Sunday, December 30, 2007

Calling All Irishmen

Took my oldest daughter, Brenna, to see P.S. I Love You tonight. This movie, combined with the Piper's travel journal, makes me want to go to Ireland. The scenary was beautiful and the men in this movie complemented the scenary very nicely.
If you are a wussy, hopeless romantic, smushy girl like me, then go see this movie but bring a huge box of tissues. This movie made me ugly cry for the entire two hours. I was going to go to the grocery store after and could not because of how red and swollen my eyes were after the film. The movie is about this woman who loses her husband at the age of 35. They are truly in love and this is easily conveyed in the first ten minutes of the film. Like I said, I am a hopeless romantic so seeing this much romance in ten minutes was enough to make me start cryig. The he dies and she cannot move forward. It was a great chick flick but probably the saddest movie I have seen in a long time.

New Year
I wanted to thank everyone for their love and support in 2007. I am looking forward to 2008.
* I started back at the gym again and feel really good that I am running daily. 5K season is coming up and I cant wait. I am hoping to travel to a few places to compete this year too. Wish me luck!
* I promised my friend Jeff that I would learn how to invest this year. He has been a great help to me with my finances and budget now that Iam out on my own. He is a very smart man and I am grateful that he is willing to help someone who is not very stock market savy. Plus he answers my really stupid questions like, "how do you know that stock has dividends."
* I am booking my trip to Vegas. This is one place I have really wanted to go so I am going this year. I am not sure if I will be going alone or with friends but either way I am set on going. I want to see Cirque and stay at the Bellagio.
* Piper, I will find what makes me happy too and do it! Feel free to kick my butt if I ever get that "oh poor me" on you again.

So far for me that's it for 2008. It will not be an easy year with some of the 'life" stuff I have set before me. I am ready for it though. I realized on the treadmill today that I alone got back home where I wanted to be. Many times while trying I thought I would just give up. It was very hard. My daughters did not want to move, my husband did not want to let go and the journey seemed impossible. I am here now and rebuilding and I will be fine. For a 4'11 wussy, hopeless romantic girl, I am very strong!

Happy New Year!!!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

There's Booze in the Blender

Soon it will render
That frozen concoction that helps me hang on

Mardi Gras
Not the religious holiday or party in New Orleans but the multiplex night club in Warwick, RI. This is where I found myself last Saturday night. My old friends thought that I might need a night out with the girls, dancing and drinking. As I paid my cover, made my way to the bar and dance floor, I asked myself something. What the hell am I doing here? The dance floor was small and sweaty. The theme of the first club was hip hop and the walls were painted with an aquarium theme. This theme was complete with big plastic sharks circling the perimeter. How fitting! The second club as a country western line dance bar. Oh my god I thought I had left Texas. You are not country because you wear a cowboy hat and live in RI. Just not getting it at all. The next one was a rock bar. The band in the bar sucked so bad that I could not drink them better. Finally, I just drank my watered down beer and danced with my friends. Problem is that you are never just dancing with your friends. You have those sharks circling all the time. They wink, stare, buy you drinks and hope that you will go home with them. Ummm no!

Once again I have been faced with death. I believe that everythng in my life happens for a reason but I am wondering why I death seems to be at my side. Last week I had my own episode and it took me a good week to come to terms with what went on. Last night in the ER, I witnessed the death of a teenager involved in a car accident. My cousin took her infant son to the ER and asked me to go to help. I gladly went and stayed with her to give her a hand. While there they brought in a teenager who died in a car accident. I cannot imagine the grief that family was about to suffer and luckily we were able to leave before they bought the family back to see their child. I will discover what it is that I need to learn from all of this but until then it is freaking me the fuck out.

Happy Birthday Piper
December 18th is the Angry Piper's birthday. Piper and I have been friends for over 20 years. I could not let the day go by without wishing him a Happy Birthday. I raise my glass to you my friend. Happy Birthday! I hope it is a good one.
Remember, "life is full of entree's, dont fill up on bread."

Monday, December 10, 2007

Welcome Home ER Visit

If you would have asked me last week when I thought I would ever get back to my old place of work, I would not have said soon.
Unfortunately for me fate had another answer in mind.
Last night I went to watch the NE Patriots game at a good friends house.
The game was great to watch, until the 3rd, when the Pats really just ran away with the ball. I had 3 beers, some nachos, chicken wings and hung out for a bit. It was getting close to 8pm and I thought it was about time to call it a night. For those of you with school age kids you know that 8:00pm on a school night is considered late. Long gone are the days of drinking at Frat parties until 3:00am and then heading to Economics first thing in the morning. Just no longer happens. Right before I left the house I made one big mistake.

My friend has been using a new supplement that has worked wonders for her.
She had been talking this drink up all night long. It really works for her and has lowered her cholestorol and improved her overall health. She told me it was made of fruits and berries and it tasted very good. Before walking to my car she handed me a shot class with about 2 ounces of juice in it. I drank it down, commented on its taste and took my kids to the car.

On the way home I turned onto Sodom road. It is not a very well lit or straight road. It is known to test your driving ability with its quick turns on rainy nights. Last night was one of them. My daughters and I were signing Christmas carols and just being silly. When I got to the middle of the street I began to have some after effects of this drink. My heart began to race, I got sweaty and cold. I had a tough time swallowing. I tried to blow it off and keep driving. I stopped at a local store to buy a bottle of water to possibly help with these symptoms. As I approached the door, the owner told me they were closed and I could not get the water. I hopped back in the car and flew about 6 miles to my parents house. Once inside I tried to lay down to see if I could get the symptoms to pass. I told my mother what went on and that I thought I was having a reaction to the drink. She took my blood pressure and my pulse. My BP was 135 over 120 and my pulse was 130. I tried again to rest. No stopping my rapid heartbeat. Feeling like I was going to pass out I asked my mom to call an ambulance. I really felt very ill.

Westport resuce arrived from the Main rd station, in what felt like ten minutes. I am sure it was less. Once inside the ambulance they ran an IV and hooked me up to the blood pressure machine. I started ringing all types of bells during the ride as my blood pressure topped out at 145 over 155. At this time I felt like I was going to pass out for sure. I was hot, dizzy and had the thoughest time swallowing. Once inside the ER they gave me a wonderful little pill that reversed the effects of the little purple drink. It brought my heart rate under control and I was home sometime after midnight. I was warned to avoid caffeine and nicotine as well as any other stimulant. It appears that this little drink contained a lot of berries that are stimulants. Again, I only drank 2 ounces. I felt the effect of this stimulant for the rest of the night. I had episodes for the rest of the evening where my heart raced and then slowed down again. I was very lucky.

Everyone in the ER asked me why I would have just drank the drink. First of all this person giving it to me is a friend and we have been friends for a while. She was not trying to kill me. Secondly, I have never experienced a reaction to any food or drink in my life. I am not an allergy prone person. Not the smartest thing I have ever done and I sure as hell will never do it again. This also means that Red Bull and all energy drinks are out of the line up for me, so said the nice ER doctor. I will listen too. No rush to visit my old place of employment anytime soon

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Once again I am a slave to the great Malach. Actually I thought this one was pretty cool.

Imagine you could send a letter back in time to yourself, when you were 13 years old, what would you write to yourself?

The year is 2007 and I am your 35 year old self. I am writing to give you a little look into your future. Hopefully you will find this information helpful and not blow it off like you do the warnings of others as you age.

Dating - Here are a few names to avoid in the near future. This one you will date because you are competitive. Avoid Louie like the plague. Yes, you will win but you will give him back in a short amount of time. He will take you to a Valentine dance where you will be teased by Dave H about your 'guns" and he will not defend you. You will look very good at this dance and you will keep the dress you wore that night well into your 30's. You will get a compliment that night from Mark. He will walk you to the corner to wait for your Mom for a ride. You will fall in love later in life with Bill. You think this is the one but he is not. You will date him for a while but it will end. Ted is just a jerk and Griffin is way too crazy for you. Trust me on these guys.

School - Whatever you do dont leave college. Even though you are homesick and you want to quit, dont. Transfer to the geek dorm and finish your education. You can be the doctor you always wanted to be and be very good at it. You dont need to commute, because you will never finish. You will have a great job that pays well but it will never be your life's love.

Marriage - Dont rush into this at all. Your true friends will warn you and tell you this is just not the right time. Listen to them. You never admit to them that they were right but they were. You will be married for 14 years and some of them are good. A lot of it is just tough. Not bad, just tough. It will test the person you are. You will be ok in the long run. You leave the marriage in year 14 and you are working really hard to rebuild and be ok. You have some great friends and support and that helps.

Family - Your daughters are great. They are smart and beautiful. They are strong. You are very proud of them. You will have them after your a doctor so dont quit school to get married and have a family. They will wait for you. Tell your sister that you love her and value that friendship. She will not be with you through your whole life and you will regret what you did not say and do. Fix this now because it will be a source of anxiety for you as you grow older. When the phone rings in the yard that summer day and you are with Carol, answer it. This is your greatest regret in your life with her. You will not get another chance.

Friends - You will have many as you age. They will all teach you something about yourself. Keep the ones who play Dungeons and Dragons and tell you to leave because girls are not allowed. They make you laugh and are there for you. You will have them well into your adult life. Tell them how much they mean to you.

Dont ask the guy at U Mass if you can eat what he is holding. It is a gold circle condom not a chocolate. Save yourself!
Watch American Werewolf In London in Nantucket. It will scare the crap out of you but will make a great memory.
Dont move to Texas. It is not where you want to be,you will not be happy and it will cost you a fortune to move back. You will move back.
Find better taste in music. Most of the time you listen to crap. HAHAHA
Run! Dont think you need to set records or run marathons to be a runner. Your a runner because you run.
Join the gym. You look great at 35!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Daily Show

Regardless of how tired I am, rarely do I miss The Daily Show. I am disappointed when I turn it on and its a repeat. There is no other show that I love to watch as much, except CSI (Las Vegas).

I have come to the conclusion that I have an odd attraction to intelligence. I am the one in the crowd drawn to the professor. I recently found the Six Sigma trainer who came to my work to certify me, very attractive. I have never enjoyed the DMAIC principles more. God I am such a geek! With CSI, its William Petterson who does it for me. The intelligence of his character draws me in and keeps me watching. You all know I have a crush on Mike Rowe and now I add Jon Stewart to that list as well. I watch The Colbert Report too but can turn it off and go to bed just the same.

Why I like The Daily Show:
Cluster Fuck to the White House - No other description fits better
Indecision 2008 - Very true
You Dont Know Dick - Where I learned Dick Cheyney removed his house from Google maps and has a man size safe in his office
Ahmadina Minute - Fun to say
Moments of Zen - Just have to watch them to know what I mean
Back in Black - Lewis Black is just hilarious at times stating the obvious
Aasif Mandvi - He delivers his material as if he truly belives what he is saying
He asked Valerie Plame if her breasts were still covert - Regarding the fact that her book has parts that were redacted by the CIA
George W Bush - So many clips of the stupid things this president says

This one speaks for itself:

Monster's Got Your Back

Check it out!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Malach Made Me Do it

I am a geek like this so I will do this post.

1) Name one person who made you laugh last night: My youngest daughter Morgan who can do an uncany impression of me yelling.
2) What were you doing at 8:00AM?: Listening to an irate customer tell me that my assessment of late fees is usery and then listening to the dial tone
3) What were you doing 30 minutes ago?: Frosting one of my new creations. A pumpkin cheesecake pecan torte
4) What happened to you in 2006?: Promoted to management. Decided to return home
5) What was the last thing you said out loud?: You are wearing too much makeup, to my oldest daughter
6) How many beverages did you have today?: I have an issue with anxiety so I have a water bottle with me at all times. I drink a lot all day. I had 5 20oz bottles of water, two diet pepsi lime and 2 glasses of wine
7) What color is your hairbrush?: black
8) What was the last thing you paid for? Sex, oh wait I thought that said got paid for! Just kidding.
9) Where were you last night?: Packing my house and watching the Sox
10) What color is your front door?: Rose and its god ugly. Former owner liked rose
11) Where do you keep your change?: In a old milk bottle on my bureau.
12) What’s the weather like today?: Sunny and 75 degrees
13) What’s the best ice-cream flavor?: Chocolate peanut butter and Dulche de Leche
14) What excites you?: Completing a long run and an intelligent conversation.
15) Do you want to cut your hair?: Yes. My sister is my hair stylists and I only cut it when I go home for a visit
16) Are you over the age of 25?: Yes, but really dont feel my age
17) Do you talk a lot?: No I am more of a listener unless I am excited or nervous.
18) Do you watch the OC?: I second Malach, oh Hell no.
19) Do you know anyone named Steven?: Yes, he is my brother
20) Do you make up your own words?: Of course, I am from MA so a lot of things I say cannot be considered english
21) Are you a jealous person?: No not at all
22) Name a friend whose name starts with the letter “A.”: Dont have one
23) Name a friend whose name starts with the letter “K.”: Keith and Kyle
24) Who’s the first person on your received call list?: Kyle
25) What does the last text message you received say?: I hate stupid people
26) Do you chew on your straw?: No but I chew gum .
27) Do you have curly hair? Only when wet
28) Where’s the next place you are going to go?: Bed and I cant wait
29) Who’s the rudest person in your life?: My sister Carol who always says it like it is
30) What was the last thing you ate?: Spaghetti and meat sauce. I made it for dinner
31) Will you get married in the future?: No, I am currently going through a divorce and dont see myself doing it again, unless...
32) What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the last 2 weeks?: The only movie I have seen is Sidney White and it was not the best
33) Is there anyone you like right now?: Wow thats kind of 5th grade.
34) When was the last time you did the dishes? Just now at 9:30pm after frosting my torte
35) Are you currently depressed?: No I dont get depressed easily
36) Did you cry today?: No
37) Why did you answer and post this?: Malach made me do it
Tag 5 people who would do this post: Sara Sue, Dr Murk, Angry Piper, Angry Veteran

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Ok so I was not tagged but I thought I would do it anyway. This week for me has been way too overwhelming so I took some time off this morning from work.

A I am Athletic - Played softball in high school and now run 5K's goal to run a half marathon
B Brick House - I live in one in Texas
C Cakes - I love to bake its my favorite hobby. Hope to own my own bakery one day
D Diet Pepsi - Learned as a teenager that their is no other soft drink. Always taste better to me though poured by someone else, intended for someone else but drank by me.
E Evil Genuis - This is my safe word for my dominatrix play. Just kidding its actually the password into my secret lair
F Friends - I only have a few that I have had lasting friendships with and would be sad if they disappeared
G Grow - Wish I would have grown more I am only 4'11"
H Half Pint - Nickname given to me by my mom and still used to this day
I Interesting - How I respond when I dont know what else to say
J Jesuit - Went to a Jesuit high school and college.
K Kootie Queen - Dirty mouth Clean it up
L Las Vegas - Where I promised myself I would go on vacation if I survive the move and other things
M MA - Where I am from and where I am returning to on Nov 23rd
N New - Entering a new phase in my life. Excited and scared to death at the same time
O Oil of Olay - What I rub on my body to keep it young
P NE Patriots - Want to go to a game when I get home
Q Queen - Have their cd in my car and listen to it depending on my mood
R Red Sox - Favorite team of mine Never been to a game.
S Small - What my breasts are not HAHAHA
T TNT, TT, Tamster - TNT is actually my work code for the computer system. Try calling that in to the helpdesk when you have a PC issue All others are nicknames
U Umbrella - You can stand under my umbrella ella ella eh eh
V Vixen - When I become a superhero this will be part of my name
W Workaholic - Thats me to a tee
X Sesame Street - loved the guy who carried the X around and painted it everywhere
Y Yosemite - Would like to visit there too
Z Zeus - If I ever have a son this will be his name ;)

Sunday, October 14, 2007

I am a Dork

Tonight was my oldest daughters first real concert. She has gone into Austin to see Boys Like Girls, The Audition, We the Kings and All Time Low at La Zona Rosa. My youngest daughter decided early on today that because her and I would be alone, we should go and see Sydney White. It was your feel good teen movie with Amanda Bynes. The girl got the guy at the end and everyone lived happily ever after. For a teen movie it was not that bad and parts of it were actually funny. During the movie she becomes friends with 7 guys who live in this house called The Vortex. They are all outsiders who re-enact video games for fun and who have a pet rat called Bilbo. One part that made me laugh was the end where everyone stood up, said something about themselves and proclaimed, "I'am a dork." So here is my salute.

I am a dork
1) I watch CNN even when there are others things on television
2) I love Dirty Jobs and have a secret crush on Mike Rowe
3) I cry at some Hallmark commercials
4) I watch scary parts in movies and television with my hands over my eyes
5) I still go trick or treating, with my girls, of course
6) I sing out loud and have been known to use the phrase, "how sad would it be if only the birds with the most beautiful voices in the forest, sang."
7) I say things like, wicked good, goodness gracious or good lord
8) I firmly believe one of my friends is a super hero who changes in his closet and fights the forces of evil in his spare time
9) I use an excel spreadsheet to keep track of my bills
10) I know the intimate workings of an automated voice response system and if you need to redesign your website I am the girl to ask.
11) I love the family that I was born into and enjoy spending time with them. Most of the time.
12) I have books downloaded to my iPod for long plane trips
13) I read Paradise Lost for fun and almost bought myself a beautiful hard cover addition at Barnes and Nobles last weekend.
14) I cannot eat anything without spilling some part of it on my shirt
15) If you can break it, ruin it, trip over it, fall in it or dent it, I will be the one to do it.

You all have some dorky qualities too.

Live Strong

I would like to say thank you to everyone who supported me during the 2007 LiveStrong Challenge. It was wonderful! It was in the low 80's on Saturday morning which helped make the day truly beautiful. The girls and I were up at 5:00am to drive the hour to Austin to make the event. Lance was there to wish all the participants a good race and to talk about the legislative propostion for cancer research that is coming up for a vote.
The 5K was all down hill to start and then all up hill to finish. It was a challenge, but very fun. Just like last year I was once again humbled by those around me. Riding in a bike wagon in front of me was a family that had a beautiful picture of their 9 year old son on the back of the wagon. The caption simply read, "In Memory of." The fact that I was there with my oldest daughter, who complained the whole 3 miles that we were going to fast, and my youngest daughter who kept telling me through the whole race that she wore the wrong shoes was no longer important. I had them! I had both of my children there with me. I did not have to look at a picture of them or try and remember what their voice sounds like. I had tears in my eyes as I passed this family and they smiled at us and said, "thank you and live strong." My oldest daughter said, 'wow mom that sucks, doesint it?" She then said 'can we slow down." I smiled at her and said " yes it does and dont be such a wuss."
We finished the event and went to Starbucks for some coffee. We sat and watched others finish for a little while before going home. These are the days when I realize how fortunate I really am. It was great to see so many runners and riders come out for a worthy cause. In the words of the family that I passed on the road, "thank you and live strong!"

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Live Strong

This weekend is my next 5k. I have not run a 5k in a little while but this one is for a very worthy cause. This is the LiveStrong Challenge in Austin. I participated last year and was inspired. There were people running and riding in this race days after they finished chemotherapy. How they had the courage or the strength to participate is beyond me. Some ran in memory of those who they had lost to the fight. Some were older, some were young, some ran for the children they had lost and some for those who were fighting. Some people had a day pass out of the hospital to participate. I am very proud to be part of this challenge again this year. This is the link to my donation page if anyone would like to contribute.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Tag I'm It

Ok Malach only because you hot! :)

1) Deep voices make me wet. I once wanted to date a Stang high school football player because he had an amazingly deep voice.

2) I have also known the Angry Veteran and Angry Piper for 20 plus years. I have a picture of the Angry Veteran carrying an ice bucket down a hallway during a teen club ski trip.

3) I work as a call center manager for a large company. So please do your best not to ask to speak to a manager because you may be speaking to me.

4) I am 4 foot 11 inches tall and resemble Betty Boop but some people find that attractive.

5) I hate horror movies. Does not matter what movie or how stupid it is, I will not be able to sleep by myself after watching it.

6) I am moving back to New England very soon and can't wait. After three years of living in Texas I cant wait to scrape my windows in the morning.

7) I am a baker at heart. I make the most fantastic chocolate ganache triple layer cake you will ever wrap your tongue around.

Monday, September 24, 2007

My Lobotomy

Yesterday was the first day of Fall. This is my favorite time of year. I remember taking trips to New Hampshire and renting a small cabin for a couple of days near Franconia notch. I loved the smell the woodstove generated and how crisp the morning air felt when I stepped out on the porch with my first cup of coffee. I loved wrapping myself in a blanket and sitting out there until my toes went a little numb. Today things are very different. It is 94 degrees in Texas. The air is still thick and humid. Went running Saturday and Sunday night and could not even catch a breeze. Just not the same.

I was at Barnes and Nobles on Saturday and came across the new book I am reading. It is called, My Lobotomy, A Memoir. It is written by Howard Dully and Charles Fleming. It is the true story of the life of Howard Dully. When Howard was 12, his step mother convinced his father that Howard's behavior would be better controlled through a lobotomy. A transorbital lobotomy was performed on Howard at the age of twelve by Dr. Walter Freeman. Although a Portuguese physician invented the lobotomy, Dr. Freeman ran with the procedure. His files indicate that he operated on more than 4000 patients with Howard being the youngest at twelve. This is probably one of the most disturbing books I have read in a long time. It is set in the 1950's and 60's when mental health was just not discussed and children were the property of their parents. The story recounts abuse, neglect and corporal punishment that Howard received at the hands of his step mother and father. It illustrates the power that parents have over the welfare of their children. Dr. Freeman met Howard and could not find the issues that his step mother repeatedly complained about, but went ahead with the surgery anyway. A good portion of the book is told by way of memories that his brothers have because he is unable to remember much past the surgery. I am halfway through the book and Howard is just about to be abandoned in an asylum by his ever so loving parents for the next few years of his life. I am disturbed by the book, but cannot put it down. Howard Dully lives today in San Jose California and works as a tour bus driver. He is married. Apparently this book is about triumph of the human spirit to overcome any obstacle. I am hoping to finish it today.

Judge OKs 'Hitler Youth' Buttons to Protest School Uniform Policy - Not sure if anyone saw this news article. I was watching an interview on CNN yesterday with mothers of two of the boys who are wearing these buttons. They are protesting because they put their children in public school and do not feel that they should be subject to school uniforms. One mother stated on CNN that, "the government should not have the right to tell her how to dress her children." Not really sure how I feel about this one. First, I don't think the children wearing the buttons actually understand what the image on the button conveys. I do not agree with a parent using their child as a walking billboard of protest. The children are the ones who are subject to punishment because of the buttons, not their parents who obviously made them. I wore a uniform for most of my childhood and truly grew up wearing it. It made little difference to me. Most of my friends wore uniforms in high school as well. Probably the only time you would see them in a tie to this day. I guess this debate will continue for years to come as more and more school districts try to adopt uniforms.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Bad day at work today and it just promises to get worse before it gets better. Thankfully I only have 2 and 1/2 more days before I start my mini vacation. I board a plane Tuesday out of Austin at 3pm and wont get back until Wednesday morning. I am looking forward to just relaxing and not thinking about life or work. I am looking at a few houses on Saturday. A little concerned that one of them will be falling down because the price is in the one fiftys and that is unheard of for my home town.

I work in a call center. Everyone at some point has had some interaction with a call center agent. Either you have called your cell phone or credit card company or have received a call from a telemarket company. I work in an inbound environment which just means that people call us because they either want our service or they have a problem. This type of work, believe it or not, is very difficult. You are tied to a desk by a headset for 8 to 10 hours a day. You get scheduled lunches and breaks but other than that you are suppossed to be taking calls. It is one of the few jobs where people cannot get up and pee without other people knowing where you are. These agents do not make a great pay either unless they have done the job for a while. They get yelled at for policies that are not theirs to make. They are the voice of the comapny because you cannot get through to the policy makers in the company. Some are very good at their jobs and should be praised for what they do. Others are bad at their jobs, hate their jobs and these agents need to have their supervisors know they did poorly.

I have never taken one. I take mini ones now and then but I have never taken a full vacation some place other than back to my home town. I am looking to take a real vacation this year. I would like to go to Vegas and I would like to go someplace tropical or maybe Europe. I know I wont get to Europe this year but it is a goal of mine. I would love to go to France and Italy.
Next week, New Bedford. :)

Sunday, September 09, 2007

A Few Things

Last night, Matt Hamill, the UFC wrestler got robed. I could not believe they scored the fight in favor of Bisping. I dont think they were watching the same fight. The only thing I could bring it down too was the home advantage. In my opinion, Hamill dominated the first two rounds. In some parts of the fight he even let Bisping stand back up so he could keep fighting. I still think he has some MMA work to do but I bet we will see a lot more of him soon. His hook stunned a few times last night. Another fighter I liked last night was Marcus Davis, The Irish Hand Grenade. He was very fit and fought a great fight. I will look for him to keep moving up too. My favorite is still George St. Pierre. Cant wait for his next fight.

Well I finally did it. Yesterday I hired a personal trainer. I have been doing some cardio for a while now so it is time to add the weight training. It was expensive for 12 sessions but I think it will really help me reach my goal. I will be posting a before picture on my myspace today and a few more each couple of weeks to show my progress. Hopefully by the time I move home in November I will be a little closer. This should also help me in my 5k's. I have been reading that your time improves when you loose weight. With just a year at the gym my stamina and endurance has doubled. That is a good thing. Now I can just keep going and going.

First part of his journey to Ireland is up. Yeah! How can I live vicariously through him if he does not post. :) Read the post, it is good. He got to meet the Hulk.

I am going to the gym today for my first session. This should not be too fun. It will be before pictures, measurements and nutrition. I will not be posting my measurements on my myspace. Hope she has a tape measure big enough for the top. :) Wish me luck!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

To Do List

"I really dont mind what happens now and then, as long as you'll be my friend in the end."

I have this fantasy that I have had since I was about 13. When I talk about this fantasy everyone looks at me like I am crazy. It is not that big of a deal. The more I have talked about the more I get that, "Are you fucked up," look from friends. I have wanted to have sex in the rain. You know kind of muddy and literally dirty. I am not sure how this came about anymore but it remains on top of my "to do" list.
People I work with have their own "to do" list. They want to have sex in public, in a bathroom, just not with a senator. Some of them want to have sex at a park, or in the water at a beach or in a plane. Others have different food related fantasies where they want to be the buffet at a table full of men. Others are more into the whipped cream and berries type of thing. None of my friends have any real bondage things on their list. None that they will admit too anyway.
I am rambling. Sorry! I have been working on my myspace lately and have been in photo bucket. It appears that I am not alone with my rainy, muddy fantasy. There are quite a few icons that talk about being in the rain, being naked in the rain, kissing in the rain. I guess it will remain on my "to do" list after all. Along with a few others I will not share yet.

Sunday, September 02, 2007


"I’ll keep you by my side with my superhuman might."

I am sitting at home and very bored. I was just about to go running when it began to down pour. The weather in Texas has been odd this summer and we have gotten so much rain, my grass is actually green. Last summer the grass was burnt and my monthly electric bill was in the $400's. This month my bill is still $250.00 and the grass is actually growing. I am so glad that we have a long weekend. I need to just rest tomorrow. I do have a kickboxing class from 11 - 12 but that's something I look forward too.
Just got home from shopping earlier. I am coming home in September for a few days and have nothing to wear. I was very happy because I went down another jean size, yes! I am now a 10! I don't think I have been in a 10 since high school. Sadly for me though that even though I went down in jean sizes I could not find any shirts that, in my opinion, looked good. The weight loss has not affected my boobs. Right now the majority of shirts are low cut and v-necked. For most people this is fine but I was born blessed or cursed depending on how you look at it. When I wear a lot of these types of shirts, I look like I am showcasing the girls. Not exactly what I want for my aunts 50th anniversary party in the convent.
My aunt entered the Sister's of Mercy when she was 17 or 18 and she has spent the past 50 years serving God. I was amazed to learn that it has been 50 years. I dont even like driving the same car for 5 years, never mind poverty and chastity for 50 years. I have often wondered how the apple fell so far from the tree.
Well the rain is stopping so hopefully I can run for about 40 minutes.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Committed - Again

No this is not a new post saying that I have been sent to a facility to rest for a while. I truly could use being committed right now, but that's not what this is about. This is about my commitment again to the gym.

I have a goal to loose 50lbs. This has been a long term goal of mine for quite some time. I am not sure if 50lbs is reasonable for me though. I have never been stick thin. Let's just say my body type may not support my goal. I have been going to the gym consistently for over a year now. I love it. I try and go daily for a 35 min cardio treadmill run. On Saturdays, I take an hour long kickboxing class. Nothing tells me that I am alive more than kicking and punching for sixty minutes.

This is a re-commitment post because last week I said fuck the gym. I came home after work each day, drank a few glasses of wine and lay on my bed watching television. Looking at it this week, I think I was depressed. Things have been tough for me lately and I threw in the towel. I ate crap food all week and on top of that, did not exercise at all. That is until Friday night.

I was driving to opening night for the Texas high school football season, eating fried chicken tenders and French fries dipped in white gravy with a honey butter biscuit. As I dripped white gravy on my thankfully white tee, I said, what the hell are you doing. Why are you letting your life situation right now dictate how you feel and look? I put the food down, parked my car and went into the football stadium. This morning I got up, put on my gym clothes and made my kickboxing class.

I have finally decided to hire a personal trainer, stick with my goal and hopefully by the time I move home in November I will be a little closer. I also looked up when the next 5K was in this area and registered.

Wish me luck.

Friday, August 17, 2007


"What I've succumbed to is making me numb."

Do you believe in your astrological sign? Do you read your fortune after you finish your Chinese food?
Me, I read my fortunes and get a good laugh out of ones like, "others will enjoy your generosity." I like the ones that say, "A change is coming your way." I like the idea of something different. Sometimes I wonder why I am not happy in one place doing the same thing for a while. I wonder why I am a restless soul. I am the person who likes to move from one adventure to the next. I like diversity and I enjoy a challenge. Why? Why do I get bored so easily?
A male friend of mine told me it was because I was a Gemini. He told me to look into my zodiac sign and I would have a better understanding of myself. So I did look into my sign and what I found was not surprising.
Gemini- In love the Gemini person tends to be light-hearted, fickle, coolly affectionate, flirtatious, and may occasionally have 'a second string to their bow'. They need to be mentally stimulated in a relationship as well as emotionally and sexually.
The Gemini-born are intellectually inclined, forever probing people and places in search of information. The more information a Gemini collects, the better. Sharing that information later on with those they love is also a lot of fun, for Geminis are supremely interested in developing their relationships.
Is this me? The more I read the more I thought this was me. I love to be around people who can carry on good conversations. I love to discuss and debate issues and current events. I get bored easily in life. Maybe my friend had it right. Who knows...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Question to Ask

"Ive become so numb without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold."

On my recent quick visit home my cousin Jen gave me a book called, "When Things Fall Apart." This book pretty much sums up my life at the moment and she felt I should read it and gain some type of insight or comfort. I began reading the book on my flight home and have gotten halfway through it. I am stuck though on one part and need some insight.

The book is based on Buddist teachings and living in the present. It is very easy to understand except that it talks about giving up hope. That is the part I cant seem to get past in order to understand what I am reading. It says that when we cling to hope, it prevents us from living in the present and moving forward.

I know I have some very intelligent friends and thought maybe some of you had some insight. I am not really into self help books at all and I am trying to give this one a shot. If you have read any Buddist teachings and understand this aspect could you let me know.

Friday, August 10, 2007


"You never thought you'd be alone, this far down the line."

It has been kind of a rough week for me. I am happy to be going home tomorrow. I have an early flight and will be in Providence by 3:00pm. It is a short trip and as usual there are a lot of things I want to do. I am coming back in September too and for a little bit longer. Hopefully the flight will be good. I am downloading a book to my ipod and bringing one too.
Chat with you soon!

Thursday, August 09, 2007


So the Piper tagged me and I have been his submissive since I was 12. I must do everything that he commands me to do. So here it goes.

The Rules:
1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged write their own blog post about their eight things and include these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged and that they should read your blog.5.
8 is a magic number. Not three.

1) When I was a child I collected feathers that came out of my feather pillow and kept them all in a box in my bureau. I did not throw them out because I did not want to hurt their feelings. No joke.

2) I slept in the same bed with my oldest sister for years. Each night before I got into bed she would make me show her my feet so she could be sure they were clean before she let me into bed.

3) Childhood nickname that my mother still calls me today - Half pint. Other nicknames are, T, Tam, Tamster, little one and for the folks at work, TNT.

4) When I drink I get, "friendly!" This is why I only drink around people I can be friendly with without it becoming a big issue. This does not happen with beer because that does not get me intoxicated. This happens with 2 full glasses of my favorite wine.

5) I have always wanted to have sex in the rain on the ground. Not sure why, but I am guessing it's because I am sometimes sappy and watched too much "Say Anything" as a teenager. Same reason I get mushy when I hear, "In Your eyes."

6) I cannot watch any type of horror movie. I will not sleep for weeks. As a teenager I watched American Werewolf in London while in Nantucket and made my travel companion sleep with me that night because i was too afraid.

7) I left a boyfriend at a high school Valentine day dance because a friend of his said, "wow your girlfriend has big guns." Instead of defending me, he agreed. I left the dance, walked down the street and called for a ride.

8) I have big boobs. I have had them since I was 12. See comment above. I like them. I would never get them reduced or changed at all. They look good in my shirts and have helped me get out of a ticket every now and then. I like to bare them on occasion as well. Tel, I will have to show you.

Tagged: All of you have already been tagged so I cannot tag anyone else. I will have to start tagging other random bloggers.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Fair or Unfair

Last Sunday I was reading the Austin American Statesman and came across an article that was upsetting. The article recounted the number of children in each state that have died from being left in a hot car. The focus of the article was upsetting as it recounted stories told by parents who left their children in their car. It was, to say the least, very sad.
The part of the article that really upset and angered me, was that woman who leave their children in their car to die, were given harsher sentences than men. Here is the article:
I dont understand why this would be the case. The article seemed to give the impression that a mother leaving a child to die in a hot car is unforgivable while for the father it is tragic. It is a tragedy for everyone.
Do we still have so far to go in equality? Mothers are still seen as the only primary care giver? For a mother to forget or leave her child is seen in judge and jury's eyes to be an act of betrayal. She is the one who cares for that child, how could she do that! Fathers are still seen as having so many things on their minds with work and managing a home life, that this failure is seen as a tragic mistake.
In my opinion both bear the same responsibility. Fathers are stepping up in so many ways in their children's lives. They are no longer sitting by the sidelines but are active participants. This is a good thing. Along with this though comes the same level of responsibility that a mother has daily.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Mr. Lawyer

I went to a lawyer for the first time yesterday. As I sat in his office I thought to myself, why the hell did I not become a lawyer? Where was I on career day when Mr. Lawyer came in and told me that he can charge $250.00 an hour and can charge in increments of 1/10 an hour. How could I have missed the fact that he can charge for phone calls regarding your case? I must have went to the bathroom when he said that he charges $200.00 an hour for his senior partners, $150.00 an hour for his junior partners and $25.00 for his paralegal. I completely missed out on the fact that each change that he makes to a document can cost an additional $100.00.
Makes me want to go back to school and finish my degree. My luck though, I would pass the bar and then decide to work pro bono for those who need but cannot afford a lawyer.
I guess I am lucky that I have not needed to retain a lawyer until this point in my life. I don’t know how anyone except those with money could afford one.
As I sat in my car after the appointment, stunned by the information I just received, I thought, how does the single mother or father of three, afford a lawyer? How do they pay for these services? I am lucky in a way because I have the money I need to pay for an attorney. What do others do that don’t have the money? Maybe they just "fail to appear."

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Bat Run Results

On Friday, July 13th I completed my 5th 5K of the summer. I participated in the Austin Bat Run. It was a non chip timed race, so I dont have my exact finishing time. It was somewhere around 38 miutes of so. Not fabulous, but it was also a very different course for me to run. This was a trail course. I had to run on dirt, sand and grass. I have only run on pavement courses. Running on grass was ok but the sand really worked my legs and slowed me down. It was also a very hot run. It was a run around Town Lake and after you made a loop to come back you were running directly into the sun. I thought at one point I was going to pass out because of being overheated but I was fine. This race made me very happy to finish. I crossed the line and I felt so good. That is because halfway through my mind was just saying, "stop." It was saying, "your tired, your legs hurt, your stomach is cramping, who cares if you dont finish." Well I care and I kept going. I am a very happy finisher of the race.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Today, I ran the Freedom 5000 5K in Austin Texas. This was my 4th 5K so far. I ran my personal best with a time of 37:48. Its around a 12:06 minute mile. It is good for me but not quite my goal. I want to get to a 30 minute 5K by the end of this year.
I am running my next 5K on July 13th. This one is a night time 5K in Austin called the Bat Run. Austin has a large colony of bats and the race is set at night so everyone can watch the bats fly out from the Congress Ave bridge by the end of the race. That is why I have considered getting a bat tattoo. It is a symbol of my time in Texas as I make my way back home. Who knows.
Hopefully I will train all week for this one and beat my 37:48 personal best time.
Wish me luck!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

You dont know Jack about Eve

Post and let me see your answers!

How long have you known me:
Where did we meet:
Do I smoke:
Do I drink:
If so, what my favorite drink:
At the Olive garden what would I order:
What's my favorite food:
What did I want to be when I grew up:
Color of my eyes:
Do I have any siblings:
What's my hobby:
What's my favorite type of music:
What's my favorite movie:
Who is my favorite author:
Name my favorite book:
Where would I like to go on vacation:
What colors are in my closet?
What is the best feature about me:
Any special talents:
What was my mother's nickname for me:
If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is one thing that I
would bring:

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

So Hard to Leave

Why is it so hard to leave
My scripted life waits for me there
A separate piece of me functions faintly
Not whole or happy but a person on auto

Here, I am myself
Alive and brightly colored
Fiery and bold journeys color the tapestry
Full hearted and passionate longings exist

These dual existences drain a soul
Boarding a carriage to another part of my existence
Looking back at what being alive is
I realize why it is so hard to leave...

Saturday, June 16, 2007


A friend of mine asked what it is really like to live in Texas. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of pride in Texas. Maybe its because I come from Massachusetts, but I just don't see what all the hype is about. Hopefully I will be moving back home soon. Until then let me see if I can give you a feeling for the great state.
It is Hot! Not warm or kind of sunny. Everyday is blazing. Don't turn on the hose and run your hands under it if it has been lying in the sun because it will give you third degree burns, kind of hot.
Thunder storms and tornadoes! Last week I had to leave my office and sit in a room with no windows for 40 minutes because we had a tornado touch down across the street from our building. The thunder is so loud it sets off car alarms and shakes your windows. Lightening strikes are common. We had a man die on a lake a week ago because he did not get off the lake fast enough and lightening hit his fishing rod.
"Turn around don't drown." This saying is repeated over the radio and television each time we have a storm. Rain condenses on the road so much that it will sweep a Dodge Ram pickup off the street. People drown on their street because they got out of their car when it got stuck in the rising water.
Emergency Broadcast SystemThe deafening tone that in MA we often turn down, actually means something in Texas. If you hear that tone you need to get your ass off of any ball field or lake you are on and find some shelter. If not you will end up like the man in the lightening story above.
Texas Shaped Everything. If you are eating a chip shaped like your state, then you must be in Texas. Bathroom sinks, house windows, trash barrels, candy, hair ties, pocketbooks. Whatever it is in Texas, it can be made into the shape of the state.
Words. A shopping cart or carriage is a buggy. A trash barrel is something on the side of your house. The small one under your desk is a basket. "Fixin to" means your about to do something. A "Whoppin" is something you give your child when they misbehave.
FootballHigh school football games are town wide events. Everyone comes to see the game even if they don't have children playing. Coaches can make 80 thousand a year. The teams go to games on tour buses and they don't play on fields near the school. They play in stadiums with booths for the announcers.
Don't get me wrong not everything about Texas is bad. Men are very nice in Texas. They hold doors, tip their hats, call you ma'am or darlin, offer to help you carry your groceries to your car and get things down from top shelves. There is something to be said for a southern gentleman.
Like I said hopefully I will be home for good, very soon! Until then, "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one and indivisible." Yup they have their own pledge of allegiance too.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Am I That Different?

I am beginning to think that there is something wrong with me. I have always felt different but there are many reasons why. One reason may be, being 4'11" with large breasts, but I manage. Now I am beginning to think I am not at all like other woman. I came to this realization after reading an excerpt from, "A Practical Handbook for the Boyfriend." This book was written by desperate housewives star Felicity Huffman. She has been married for 9 years to William H. Macy. She is obviously happy and maybe deliriously so. The things she advises men to do would drive me crazy but again as I said earlier I am beginning to think there is something wrong with me.

Public Display of Affection – According to Felicity woman are "hungry' for it and men wont do it because it shows their vulnerable side. I don’t think she has ever tried to walk down the mall or drive with someone's arm around her neck. She may not have witnessed two people eating each others face for lunch in line at the grocery store. I am all for passion but I do believe that sometimes a hotel room works better than a 7-11. One thing I do like is to hold someone's hand. It just feels nice.

The Little Things Count – the book advises that if a man buys junior mints and eats them all without asking if you want any, woman feel unloved. I have never felt unloved because my boyfriend would not share his candy. If I wanted candy I would ask him for some. If he said no, I would call him an asshole and buy my own damn candy. Why as woman do we feel that men should read our minds? This makes no sense. We are different in so many ways. I do agree that the little things do count. Putting clothes in the laundry, putting air in my car tire, holding a door now and then, these do count. Not doing them should not make a woman feel unloved.

Your Call is Important to us – According to Felicity you score "major' points by calling her two and three times a day. What??? In my world this makes you a stalker. Don’t call me two or three times a day. Don’t call me every day. Live your life a few days so when we do talk next we will have things to talk about. Are we that insecure that we need to hear our boyfriend's voice two or three times a day? Would we think he was cheating or leaving us if we talked to him two or three times a week? Does felicity work? Oh yes she is an actress. I know in my job if someone called me just to say hey that many times I would never get any work done. Come on am I alone on this one?

Great Boyfriends are Made – Practice makes perfect. I feel that you will be the boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife you should be, when you meet the woman/man you should be with. Loving someone helps make you want to do nice things. Having children has taught me that. Pouring a glass of soda and having to share it each time can be annoying unless you pour enough because you know someone will ask for that sip. I agree that practice makes perfect for both men and woman. I would really not want a guy to pretend to be nice only to end up unhappy. Be who you are. Do what you like to do. If the person your with is happy with those things then you are good together. If they get upset or repulsed each time then maybe it's not right.

She ends with," the secret to a good marriage is to stay a boyfriend." – This I agree with for both men and woman. Too many marriages are unhappy because people are taken forgranted. Everyone likes to know that they make someone else happy. This does not need to be an everyday mantra. Every now and then works great. Who does not like to hear they look or smell nice? We all like to know that we make someone else excited by our presence. As long as it’s the man your with and not the yucky guy at the package store!

So I may be different but when it comes to these things, I am kind of glad.

Monday, January 01, 2007


Check it out! I like the avatar.