Tuesday, September 04, 2007

To Do List

"I really dont mind what happens now and then, as long as you'll be my friend in the end."

I have this fantasy that I have had since I was about 13. When I talk about this fantasy everyone looks at me like I am crazy. It is not that big of a deal. The more I have talked about the more I get that, "Are you fucked up," look from friends. I have wanted to have sex in the rain. You know kind of muddy and literally dirty. I am not sure how this came about anymore but it remains on top of my "to do" list.
People I work with have their own "to do" list. They want to have sex in public, in a bathroom, just not with a senator. Some of them want to have sex at a park, or in the water at a beach or in a plane. Others have different food related fantasies where they want to be the buffet at a table full of men. Others are more into the whipped cream and berries type of thing. None of my friends have any real bondage things on their list. None that they will admit too anyway.
I am rambling. Sorry! I have been working on my myspace lately and have been in photo bucket. It appears that I am not alone with my rainy, muddy fantasy. There are quite a few icons that talk about being in the rain, being naked in the rain, kissing in the rain. I guess it will remain on my "to do" list after all. Along with a few others I will not share yet.

1 comment:

Malach the Merciless said...

I like to play football in the mud