Monday, October 29, 2007

Malach Made Me Do it

I am a geek like this so I will do this post.

1) Name one person who made you laugh last night: My youngest daughter Morgan who can do an uncany impression of me yelling.
2) What were you doing at 8:00AM?: Listening to an irate customer tell me that my assessment of late fees is usery and then listening to the dial tone
3) What were you doing 30 minutes ago?: Frosting one of my new creations. A pumpkin cheesecake pecan torte
4) What happened to you in 2006?: Promoted to management. Decided to return home
5) What was the last thing you said out loud?: You are wearing too much makeup, to my oldest daughter
6) How many beverages did you have today?: I have an issue with anxiety so I have a water bottle with me at all times. I drink a lot all day. I had 5 20oz bottles of water, two diet pepsi lime and 2 glasses of wine
7) What color is your hairbrush?: black
8) What was the last thing you paid for? Sex, oh wait I thought that said got paid for! Just kidding.
9) Where were you last night?: Packing my house and watching the Sox
10) What color is your front door?: Rose and its god ugly. Former owner liked rose
11) Where do you keep your change?: In a old milk bottle on my bureau.
12) What’s the weather like today?: Sunny and 75 degrees
13) What’s the best ice-cream flavor?: Chocolate peanut butter and Dulche de Leche
14) What excites you?: Completing a long run and an intelligent conversation.
15) Do you want to cut your hair?: Yes. My sister is my hair stylists and I only cut it when I go home for a visit
16) Are you over the age of 25?: Yes, but really dont feel my age
17) Do you talk a lot?: No I am more of a listener unless I am excited or nervous.
18) Do you watch the OC?: I second Malach, oh Hell no.
19) Do you know anyone named Steven?: Yes, he is my brother
20) Do you make up your own words?: Of course, I am from MA so a lot of things I say cannot be considered english
21) Are you a jealous person?: No not at all
22) Name a friend whose name starts with the letter “A.”: Dont have one
23) Name a friend whose name starts with the letter “K.”: Keith and Kyle
24) Who’s the first person on your received call list?: Kyle
25) What does the last text message you received say?: I hate stupid people
26) Do you chew on your straw?: No but I chew gum .
27) Do you have curly hair? Only when wet
28) Where’s the next place you are going to go?: Bed and I cant wait
29) Who’s the rudest person in your life?: My sister Carol who always says it like it is
30) What was the last thing you ate?: Spaghetti and meat sauce. I made it for dinner
31) Will you get married in the future?: No, I am currently going through a divorce and dont see myself doing it again, unless...
32) What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the last 2 weeks?: The only movie I have seen is Sidney White and it was not the best
33) Is there anyone you like right now?: Wow thats kind of 5th grade.
34) When was the last time you did the dishes? Just now at 9:30pm after frosting my torte
35) Are you currently depressed?: No I dont get depressed easily
36) Did you cry today?: No
37) Why did you answer and post this?: Malach made me do it
Tag 5 people who would do this post: Sara Sue, Dr Murk, Angry Piper, Angry Veteran


Sara Sue said...

Oh damn! Now I'm behind on TWO memes!

I loved the "Malach Made Me Do It" title .. I'm stealing it from you, OK? (Notice how I asked before I stole you content? )

Malach the Merciless said...


Moooooog35 said...

I'm jealous.

It'll be another week or so until my vasectomy completely heals before I can frost my torte.

Eve said...

Sara - You have my permission to steal it! :)

Malach - We all bow to you

Mooo - HAHAHAHA Well at least I dont have 26 tortes to frost.