Sunday, July 01, 2007

You dont know Jack about Eve

Post and let me see your answers!

How long have you known me:
Where did we meet:
Do I smoke:
Do I drink:
If so, what my favorite drink:
At the Olive garden what would I order:
What's my favorite food:
What did I want to be when I grew up:
Color of my eyes:
Do I have any siblings:
What's my hobby:
What's my favorite type of music:
What's my favorite movie:
Who is my favorite author:
Name my favorite book:
Where would I like to go on vacation:
What colors are in my closet?
What is the best feature about me:
Any special talents:
What was my mother's nickname for me:
If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is one thing that I
would bring:


The Angry Piper said...

20+ years.

A bus, as I recall.



Kendall Jackson Chardonnay (Special Reserve)

Beats me.


A doctor.



Running, and looking hot.


Ernest Saves Christmas.

Aldous Huxley (don't ask me why).

Brave New World (ditto).


Black. I'm sure you have others, but black is my favorite.

Your winning smile.

You have an angelic singing voice.


Deodorant. (I hope.)

Eve said...

Wow I am impressed! Slappy? I should have asked what your Fathers nickname was for me!
Lets go to Paris in 2 years, ok?