Tuesday, November 22, 2005


This time of year always causes some people to examine the things in their lives, see what they like and attempt to change what they dont like. I have decided to do the same today by listing what I am truly thankful for, this holiday season.
One of the main things I am thankful for is that I was born in the United States. With the country taking some pretty good and well deserved hits on the war, torture policies, poverty and violence, I am still thankful I was born in the U.S.A. (no singing please) I was born in 1972 with a severe maxocranial facial birth defect. It took 16 surgeries to correct this defect from birth till the age of 13. I traveled to Boston's Children's Hospital multiple times a year and I saw over 5 specialists in the field of reconstructive surgery and related issues. I had stainless steel tubes placed in my ears because my birth defect almost rendered me deaf by the age of 5. I had years of speech therapy so that I could sound like the New Englander that I am today. For all of this today, I have a few scars and suffer an occassional comment from an ignorant stranger. My family was not rich and yet I do not owe anything to the incredible surgeons that made it their job to fix me. My mother did not work during this time because she had to devote so much time to my care and yet we did not loose our home or starve. Organizations like The Lion's Club came forward and helped my family. This would not have been accomplished in another country. I know this for a fact because giving back to those that helped me and a deep desire to help others has caused me to research my birth defect. In the past facing this part of my past was too painful and I shunned away from the topic or others in a similiar situation. Looking into this defect I have learned that although so many advances in science have been made to help harelip and cleft palate children, other parts of our world are left to suffer. Children in third world countries have to rely on the kindness and volunteer spirit of plastic surgeons who make it a point to travel and correct these defects. Some of these children will never be helped. They are considered useless by those around them, the majority have an extreme speech deformity and some cannot eat properly resulting in malnutrition. Organizations such as Smile Train and numerous other govenrment organizations are working to help these children. It costs 300.00 to fix this isue in third world countries. That is all. We spend 300.00 on groceries, flat screen televisions, DVD's etc... I am not preaching today, I just cannot imagine living my life any other way than I live it. People who meet me dont even realize that I have had this birth defect. This has not stood in my way. I was well cared for in every way and for that I am thankful I was born in the U.S.A. If you get the chance to check out the link consider buying some Christmas cards. 100% of the money raised goes to this fight.
I am also thnkful to the parentsthat raised me. My mother gave up a large portion of her young life for my care. I also had children in my 20's and prt of me was very selfish during this time and needed "time for me." My mother had 3 other small children at home and had to devote extreme time to my care. My father worked 2 and sometimes 3 jobs to care for his family. He spent the majority of most weekdays and weekends in the local shops fixing machines and doing odd jobs on the side. I have never known my fathr to be without a job. My mother made it a requirement that all of my siblings care for me at some pont. She said that she never wanted them to be embarrassed of their sister and that by being around them I would develop my speech pattern quicker. She is a very intelligent woman and I admire her courage and strength. I am thankful Iwas born and raised by these wonderful people.
I am thankful for my friends. Especially the ones who put up with my whining and odd sense of humor. I am thanful for those that stopped me from maing mistakes in my life and for those who encouraged me to do more than I was doing. I am thankfu for those who piss me off and cause me to re-xamine a subject I thought I knew and understood. I am thankful for the one who sticks by me and puts up with me and loves me anyway regardless of how many times I drop by unannounced.
I am thankfulfor my siblings and my children. Never in my life did I ever imagine I would love someone as strongly as I love my children. I would give my life for my children. My daughter's always challenge me to see things from different points of view. I love their spirit and their fun. I am thanful for my sister who says it like it is,always. She could care if its going to sting when she says it. If shefeels you need to know then she will tell you. I am thankful for my brother who can take care of everything. I am thankful that I had the chance to see my other sister through her stages in life until her death. I was able to be there with her in her youth, when she threatened to beat up people who teased me,until her illness. I wish I had done more for her in the later part of her life but I am glad she walked with me for the time she did.

Well that is what I am thankful for this holiday season. Be thankful!


Anonymous said...

How about a new post? I'd be thankful for that.

Anonymous said...

In 2 days it'll be a month between posts. Way to be lazy.