Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Oh give me a home

Oh give me a home that is not filled with religious conservatives who belive that the Bible should run the government. It is now offical and every news station and local paper is carrying this headline. "Texans Back Prop 2." Yeah go Texas. Now you too can be proud that you have joined the 18 other states that have put a ban on gay marriage.
As you can see I am a little disturbed by what has happened in Texas yesterday. With more than 700,000 votes, 77% favored the ban. The local paper goes on to say that "Texas is now like every other state except Massa-chusetts." Before Texans go out and celebrate maybe they should learn how to spell and realize that there is no hyphen in Massachusetts.
Numerous ministers were lined up and cited Bible passages to argue for the ban. Is there not something that says we should not mix church and state? Why is my state telling me how to interpret my religion and why is my religion telling me how my state should be run. Did we not stop this because it opend the door wide to discrimination based on religion.
One of the amendments that passed was a improvement fund for Texas railroads. This amendment stated that Texas land could be taken into eminent domain if the railroad needed to expand in your area and that railroad improvement could be run by creating debt. Apparently Texans care more about who their neighbor is fucking and marrying, then they do about losing their land and home to a railroad company.
The only amendment that passed that I think was a positive step was to deny bail for criminal defendants who have violated their release conditions pending trail. This is great. Why are we giving bail in the first place to someone who has violated a condition of their release? If you violate a condition of your release, you should go straight back to jail, do not pass go and not collect 200.00 dollars.
Well, I guess this is the neon sign in the sky for me. I long to be home where things are a little more liberal and I dont have to worry about my Mayor being my Preacher on Sunday. To all those who voted yes to ban gay marriage I say, "god for you." For me I will stick with "thou shall not judge lest ye be judged," or something to that effect.

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