Monday, September 19, 2005

Time To Kill

Sitting at TGI Friday's in the Atlanta airport a co worker and I began having a pretty meaningless conversation. After spending a week with a co-worker and getting to know all about them, it is pretty difficult to keep the conversation going on day 8 of the trip especially when your both exhausted and dying to get home. Luckily for us, the restaurant had some sugar packets on the table and I picked one up to play with it while waiting for our food. On the back of the sugar packets was my inspiration for this blog. Each sugar packet had a conversation provoking question on the back. Obviously designed by someone on business travel that had exhausted every conversation known to man before me. I was thankful for these packets. I am going to list the questions and my own answers. Feel free to add your own answers as well.
1) What is your dream job? My dream job would be running fundraisers for worthy charities. Wine tastings, concerts, auctions etc... If it was truly a dream I would not work at all but have enough money to do these full time.
2) If you could be any kind of animal what would you be and why? I would be a big cat. They are graceful, beautiful and powerful. All the qualities I would love to possess, just kidding.
3) If you could be a Super Hero which one would you be and why? Oddly enough I would be Cat Woman. Whats not to love about Cat Woman, she is sexy and she has a whip. Need I say more.
4) If you could possess a Super Hero power, which one would it be and why? I would love to read minds and be able to be in more than one place at one time. So mind reading and cloning. Cloning because I am always way to busy with no time to relax and enjoy myself. Mind reading because people never say what they are truly thinking and for once I would love honesty.
5) If you could be with one celebrity for a night of wild sex who would it be? Nicholas Cage, for reasons I will not list here.
6) Whats your favorite sexual position? On top for me.
7) What is one thing that you would not do for $10,000.00 that you would do for a million dollars? This one really stumped me in the airport and I still cannot come up with anything. I am interested to see everyone elses answers.
8) What book are you currently reading? The Rings Of brightest Angels Around Heaven by Rick Moody. It is a a pretty interesting collection of short stories.
9) What is your favorite book or story that you have read? Everyone knows that my favorite book is Brave New World but ranking right up there with it is Dante's Inferno. I want to read a Multitude of Sins next or the Darwin Conspiracy.
10) What is the best present that you have ever given? I love to give gifts but one of my favorites is a key chain I gave to a friend a long time ago. It has become a symbol of enduring friendship to me. Each time I see it, I want to replace it because it is old and the name has worn away but my friend wont let me replace it. Knowing he still has it after all these years is comforting to me.


Anonymous said...

You expect us to believe that a sugar packet at TGIFriday's asked you what your favorite sexual position was?

You sure you weren't in Spencer Gifts?

Oh yeah. I'm back, by the way.

Eve said...

I dont care if you believe me or not. Its not like you responded with your own answers.