Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Greatest Hits

A friend of mine recently listed his top favorite 50 albums. I could not believe that he actually had 50 albums that he considered great. Knowing that I dont have 50 favorite of anything I considered great, I thought I would create my greatest hits list. Its a combination of bands and singers, movies, shows and books. Maybe if I combine them all together I might get 50.

1) INXS - first band I saw in concert as a screaming pre teen.
2) Duran Duran - ok I again was a teenager and Simon was a all the rage for girls in the 80's
3) They Might Be Giants - the most bizzare lyrics
4) Morrissey - loved to be angry
5) Violent Femmes
6) OMD
7) R.E.M
8) The Cure - the band that probably freaked my Mom out the most by appearance alone
* Groups 3 - 8 were during my alternative rock stage in life. I have never been into bubble gum pop so I guess alternative in the 80's was what was left besides Metal.
9) The Police - great memories of my first girl/boy party listening to this one CD in the basement of a friends house all night.
10) Sting - Just the best. I am a true Sting fan.
11) Kate Bush - Her voice is just amazing.
12) Madonna - So much about her music that I love. I grew up with Madonna. From "Like a Virgin" to "Ray of light." I like her.
13) Dave Matthew's Band - great sex music like Barry White
14) Queen - Nothing can be said about Queen. Who does not know the lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody?
15) Harry Connick Jr. - I have about 6 of his cd's. I love his voice and his music
16) Cyndi Lauper - I got very intoxicated one night and ordered her latest CD on QVC. It was "Only you." She was singing old songs and she did a great job. She has an amazing voice that she does not showcase all the time.
17) Aerosmith - Pump. Again in my teeny bopper stage but who does not like, "Love in an Elevator."
18) Billy Idol - To this day I still love this guy. He helped me tap into the naughty side of me that I only show on rare occassions.
19) Billy Joel - Saw him in concert with the love of my life...at the time. Could listen to him for hours.
20) Van Morrisson - My wedding song was "Have I Told you Lately." The only version not the crappy Rod Stewart version. For obvious reason, "Brown Eyed Girl."
21) Jewel - For "Near You Always." Love that song.
22) Live - great angry rock
23) System Of A Down - Again runners music.
24) Alanis Morissette - Show me a woman who des not like her and I will show you Barbie. Something about a woman who says it the way it is that I like. How odd!!!
25) Janet Jackson - Velvet Rope. Truly my dominatrix phase but a great album.
26) Stevie Ray Vaughn - If I leave him out my husband will kill me along with the state of Texas. Plus, "Little Sister" is a great song and he was an outrageous guitar player.
27) Eminem - ok this is my bad girl side. I love Eminem. I love bieng a 30 year old mother of two who drives a mini van and listens to Eminem.
28) Run D.M.C - enough said I grew up in the 80's.
Ok now I'm back
29) House of Pain - What I can say I like Irish guys with Celtic style
30) Kenny G - Dont laugh at this one. I grew up listening to Kenny while a dear friend of mine played the Sax. I had to beg him each time to play for me and I loved it. I guess I am a music slut! (HAHA)
1) Bridges of Madison County - She should have got out of the damn car and ran. That kind of passion comes around once and not acting is like telling yourself you dont deserve happiness.
2) Ferris Beuller's Day Off - Beuller, Beuller, Anyone, anyone...Come on, a classic
3) Better Off Dead - Everyone that knows me knows that I would throw myself at the feet of John Cusiak just for one night. no but seruiously I love his work.
4) Grosse Point Blank - Same reason as stated above.
5) City of Angels - Nick Cage is a favorite of mine and this movie was just moving. Love the hot shower scene
6) Gattaca - One of my favorite sci-fi movies. Perfect socities, perfect people, loved it!
7) Before Sunrise - Sums up friendship and love and made me cry. I would watch this again.
8) Young Frankenstein - Just too funny to leave out.
9) Mulan - One of the only Disney film where the mother actually is alive through the movie. 2 points there and it showcases the power of one determined girl. Good movie for my girls.

1) Revenge of the Middle Age Woman
2) The Good Wife Strikes Back - I read this because I am the "good" wife and I wanted to see what I do later in life when I go through my mid life crisis.
3) Wifey - Judy Blume wrote this and I grew up reading her books. her adult book is wonderful. It is a very erotic novel and I have read it over and over.
4) Everything I Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten - This book was too comercialized but the content was amazing.
5) It was on Fire When I Lay Down on it - Sums up life
6) Maybe (Maybe Not) -
7) Uh - Oh
8) Brave New World - My favorite book of all times.
9) Macbeth - "out damn spot." Lady Macbeth rules!!!
10) French Woman Dont Get Fat - I am french I was obliged to read this one.
1) Baking - I love to bake and I would love to open my own Patisserie one day
2) Running and working out - What I have to do because I like to bake. Just kidding. I love being strong and running and working out reinforces my own strength
3) Reading - truly a lost art and the downfall of civilization. We need to read to feed the mind.
4) Music - Makes me happy, sad, act silly. Moves my soul

Well that about sums up Eve. Not really but its a good insight into what makes me, me! Besides whats listed above I am a workaholic, stubborn, sometimes silly, independant, loving woman. I can be found watching CSI or Law and Order SVU. I love things that make you stop and think and not just stream into your unconsciousness.


Malach the Merciless said...

Going to see them Femmes this week end, and INXS was also one of my first concerts.

Eve said...

Malach thats great. Where are the Femmes playing? I am coming home in two weeks, I'll have to see if they will still be in the area. Did you see INXS at Great Woods?

Malach the Merciless said...

INXS at Great Woods, the Femmes tonight in Providence. BTW what is with all the spam in all these recent blogs.

Eve said...

Thats the first time it happened to me. I am now jealous that you are seeing the Femmes in Providence. I cant wait to come home.