Tuesday, September 27, 2005


I recently traveled back home on business for a week. I had a great time and I really enjoyed myself. I got to see my oldest friend, AngryPiper and I got to talk to the AngryVeteran, whom I have not spoken to in years. It was a good trip. Guys, why so angry? My only complaint was that it was not long enough. Well, maybe it was for my friends who had to see me and put up with me, but oh well. Once in a year wont kill you.
Now that I am back I think I am suffering from PTD (post trip depression). If I had to rename my blog it would be Unhappy Eve. I am in a funk and it is driving me crazy. Now I understand that this happens and for me it happens a bunch because I am the type of person that needs to always be on the go. I need a lot of stimulation. Once I get bored, its all down hill for me. Its the Gemini in me. To be honest I want to jump the next plane home and forget all about my job, responsibilities etc.. but I cant do that because thats not me either.
My friend Jen asked me the other day if I was having a mid life crisis. She asked because I need to buy a new car, mine is slowly dying, and I want a sports car. Not a Mazda or a Porsche but a Hyundai. I had also just told her that I saw this diamond that I was thinking of buying myself. I do not own or have ever owned a diamond. I feel that my time has come. I want a very simple diamond with the birthstones of my daughters on each side. Were not talking about 10,000.00. we are talking 500.00. That is why my friend asked. It was out of my character. I dont do these things.
To combat my funk I have started running again and for the most part stopped drinking. You cant run if you feel rotten from drinking so I thought stopping was a good thing. I am hoping that running will help me get less funky and help me lose some weight. I am also taking Yoga. Hopefully, this will help me breakout of this unhappy mood.
If this does not help and I dont update my blog in a while, dont worry. I have jumped the next plane.

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