Friday, October 05, 2007

Tag I'm It

Ok Malach only because you hot! :)

1) Deep voices make me wet. I once wanted to date a Stang high school football player because he had an amazingly deep voice.

2) I have also known the Angry Veteran and Angry Piper for 20 plus years. I have a picture of the Angry Veteran carrying an ice bucket down a hallway during a teen club ski trip.

3) I work as a call center manager for a large company. So please do your best not to ask to speak to a manager because you may be speaking to me.

4) I am 4 foot 11 inches tall and resemble Betty Boop but some people find that attractive.

5) I hate horror movies. Does not matter what movie or how stupid it is, I will not be able to sleep by myself after watching it.

6) I am moving back to New England very soon and can't wait. After three years of living in Texas I cant wait to scrape my windows in the morning.

7) I am a baker at heart. I make the most fantastic chocolate ganache triple layer cake you will ever wrap your tongue around.


Malach the Merciless said...

See that wasn't so hard

Eve said...

Not at all! It was almost enjoyable. I am sure the wine helped free up my speech a bit.

Moooooog35 said...

We're holding off winter here in New England in anticipation of your return. Last week, it was in the 80's. Today, rainy, 60 and shitty. Only in New England.

On the not-so-bright side, although your returning to an area of the country that has one of the best football teams in the nation, our cheerleaders aren't all that hot. Couple that with the fact that the cheerleaders have to wear PARKAS (wtf is the point...shouldn't they just stay home?), and some things in Texas might be a little better.


Sara Sue said...

MMMMM chocolate ganache triple layer cake!!!

Eve said...

Sara Sue - one day I want to own my own bakery and this cake is kind of what I am known for. Its yummy!

Moooooog35 - Thaks for holding back fall for me. its my favorite time of year. It was still 90 today in Texas and I have had enough of the sun. I will say texas cheerleaders are hot but not Tom Brady hot.