Monday, September 24, 2007

My Lobotomy

Yesterday was the first day of Fall. This is my favorite time of year. I remember taking trips to New Hampshire and renting a small cabin for a couple of days near Franconia notch. I loved the smell the woodstove generated and how crisp the morning air felt when I stepped out on the porch with my first cup of coffee. I loved wrapping myself in a blanket and sitting out there until my toes went a little numb. Today things are very different. It is 94 degrees in Texas. The air is still thick and humid. Went running Saturday and Sunday night and could not even catch a breeze. Just not the same.

I was at Barnes and Nobles on Saturday and came across the new book I am reading. It is called, My Lobotomy, A Memoir. It is written by Howard Dully and Charles Fleming. It is the true story of the life of Howard Dully. When Howard was 12, his step mother convinced his father that Howard's behavior would be better controlled through a lobotomy. A transorbital lobotomy was performed on Howard at the age of twelve by Dr. Walter Freeman. Although a Portuguese physician invented the lobotomy, Dr. Freeman ran with the procedure. His files indicate that he operated on more than 4000 patients with Howard being the youngest at twelve. This is probably one of the most disturbing books I have read in a long time. It is set in the 1950's and 60's when mental health was just not discussed and children were the property of their parents. The story recounts abuse, neglect and corporal punishment that Howard received at the hands of his step mother and father. It illustrates the power that parents have over the welfare of their children. Dr. Freeman met Howard and could not find the issues that his step mother repeatedly complained about, but went ahead with the surgery anyway. A good portion of the book is told by way of memories that his brothers have because he is unable to remember much past the surgery. I am halfway through the book and Howard is just about to be abandoned in an asylum by his ever so loving parents for the next few years of his life. I am disturbed by the book, but cannot put it down. Howard Dully lives today in San Jose California and works as a tour bus driver. He is married. Apparently this book is about triumph of the human spirit to overcome any obstacle. I am hoping to finish it today.

Judge OKs 'Hitler Youth' Buttons to Protest School Uniform Policy - Not sure if anyone saw this news article. I was watching an interview on CNN yesterday with mothers of two of the boys who are wearing these buttons. They are protesting because they put their children in public school and do not feel that they should be subject to school uniforms. One mother stated on CNN that, "the government should not have the right to tell her how to dress her children." Not really sure how I feel about this one. First, I don't think the children wearing the buttons actually understand what the image on the button conveys. I do not agree with a parent using their child as a walking billboard of protest. The children are the ones who are subject to punishment because of the buttons, not their parents who obviously made them. I wore a uniform for most of my childhood and truly grew up wearing it. It made little difference to me. Most of my friends wore uniforms in high school as well. Probably the only time you would see them in a tie to this day. I guess this debate will continue for years to come as more and more school districts try to adopt uniforms.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Bad day at work today and it just promises to get worse before it gets better. Thankfully I only have 2 and 1/2 more days before I start my mini vacation. I board a plane Tuesday out of Austin at 3pm and wont get back until Wednesday morning. I am looking forward to just relaxing and not thinking about life or work. I am looking at a few houses on Saturday. A little concerned that one of them will be falling down because the price is in the one fiftys and that is unheard of for my home town.

I work in a call center. Everyone at some point has had some interaction with a call center agent. Either you have called your cell phone or credit card company or have received a call from a telemarket company. I work in an inbound environment which just means that people call us because they either want our service or they have a problem. This type of work, believe it or not, is very difficult. You are tied to a desk by a headset for 8 to 10 hours a day. You get scheduled lunches and breaks but other than that you are suppossed to be taking calls. It is one of the few jobs where people cannot get up and pee without other people knowing where you are. These agents do not make a great pay either unless they have done the job for a while. They get yelled at for policies that are not theirs to make. They are the voice of the comapny because you cannot get through to the policy makers in the company. Some are very good at their jobs and should be praised for what they do. Others are bad at their jobs, hate their jobs and these agents need to have their supervisors know they did poorly.

I have never taken one. I take mini ones now and then but I have never taken a full vacation some place other than back to my home town. I am looking to take a real vacation this year. I would like to go to Vegas and I would like to go someplace tropical or maybe Europe. I know I wont get to Europe this year but it is a goal of mine. I would love to go to France and Italy.
Next week, New Bedford. :)

Sunday, September 09, 2007

A Few Things

Last night, Matt Hamill, the UFC wrestler got robed. I could not believe they scored the fight in favor of Bisping. I dont think they were watching the same fight. The only thing I could bring it down too was the home advantage. In my opinion, Hamill dominated the first two rounds. In some parts of the fight he even let Bisping stand back up so he could keep fighting. I still think he has some MMA work to do but I bet we will see a lot more of him soon. His hook stunned a few times last night. Another fighter I liked last night was Marcus Davis, The Irish Hand Grenade. He was very fit and fought a great fight. I will look for him to keep moving up too. My favorite is still George St. Pierre. Cant wait for his next fight.

Well I finally did it. Yesterday I hired a personal trainer. I have been doing some cardio for a while now so it is time to add the weight training. It was expensive for 12 sessions but I think it will really help me reach my goal. I will be posting a before picture on my myspace today and a few more each couple of weeks to show my progress. Hopefully by the time I move home in November I will be a little closer. This should also help me in my 5k's. I have been reading that your time improves when you loose weight. With just a year at the gym my stamina and endurance has doubled. That is a good thing. Now I can just keep going and going.

First part of his journey to Ireland is up. Yeah! How can I live vicariously through him if he does not post. :) Read the post, it is good. He got to meet the Hulk.

I am going to the gym today for my first session. This should not be too fun. It will be before pictures, measurements and nutrition. I will not be posting my measurements on my myspace. Hope she has a tape measure big enough for the top. :) Wish me luck!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

To Do List

"I really dont mind what happens now and then, as long as you'll be my friend in the end."

I have this fantasy that I have had since I was about 13. When I talk about this fantasy everyone looks at me like I am crazy. It is not that big of a deal. The more I have talked about the more I get that, "Are you fucked up," look from friends. I have wanted to have sex in the rain. You know kind of muddy and literally dirty. I am not sure how this came about anymore but it remains on top of my "to do" list.
People I work with have their own "to do" list. They want to have sex in public, in a bathroom, just not with a senator. Some of them want to have sex at a park, or in the water at a beach or in a plane. Others have different food related fantasies where they want to be the buffet at a table full of men. Others are more into the whipped cream and berries type of thing. None of my friends have any real bondage things on their list. None that they will admit too anyway.
I am rambling. Sorry! I have been working on my myspace lately and have been in photo bucket. It appears that I am not alone with my rainy, muddy fantasy. There are quite a few icons that talk about being in the rain, being naked in the rain, kissing in the rain. I guess it will remain on my "to do" list after all. Along with a few others I will not share yet.

Sunday, September 02, 2007


"I’ll keep you by my side with my superhuman might."

I am sitting at home and very bored. I was just about to go running when it began to down pour. The weather in Texas has been odd this summer and we have gotten so much rain, my grass is actually green. Last summer the grass was burnt and my monthly electric bill was in the $400's. This month my bill is still $250.00 and the grass is actually growing. I am so glad that we have a long weekend. I need to just rest tomorrow. I do have a kickboxing class from 11 - 12 but that's something I look forward too.
Just got home from shopping earlier. I am coming home in September for a few days and have nothing to wear. I was very happy because I went down another jean size, yes! I am now a 10! I don't think I have been in a 10 since high school. Sadly for me though that even though I went down in jean sizes I could not find any shirts that, in my opinion, looked good. The weight loss has not affected my boobs. Right now the majority of shirts are low cut and v-necked. For most people this is fine but I was born blessed or cursed depending on how you look at it. When I wear a lot of these types of shirts, I look like I am showcasing the girls. Not exactly what I want for my aunts 50th anniversary party in the convent.
My aunt entered the Sister's of Mercy when she was 17 or 18 and she has spent the past 50 years serving God. I was amazed to learn that it has been 50 years. I dont even like driving the same car for 5 years, never mind poverty and chastity for 50 years. I have often wondered how the apple fell so far from the tree.
Well the rain is stopping so hopefully I can run for about 40 minutes.