Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Mr. Lawyer

I went to a lawyer for the first time yesterday. As I sat in his office I thought to myself, why the hell did I not become a lawyer? Where was I on career day when Mr. Lawyer came in and told me that he can charge $250.00 an hour and can charge in increments of 1/10 an hour. How could I have missed the fact that he can charge for phone calls regarding your case? I must have went to the bathroom when he said that he charges $200.00 an hour for his senior partners, $150.00 an hour for his junior partners and $25.00 for his paralegal. I completely missed out on the fact that each change that he makes to a document can cost an additional $100.00.
Makes me want to go back to school and finish my degree. My luck though, I would pass the bar and then decide to work pro bono for those who need but cannot afford a lawyer.
I guess I am lucky that I have not needed to retain a lawyer until this point in my life. I don’t know how anyone except those with money could afford one.
As I sat in my car after the appointment, stunned by the information I just received, I thought, how does the single mother or father of three, afford a lawyer? How do they pay for these services? I am lucky in a way because I have the money I need to pay for an attorney. What do others do that don’t have the money? Maybe they just "fail to appear."

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Bat Run Results

On Friday, July 13th I completed my 5th 5K of the summer. I participated in the Austin Bat Run. It was a non chip timed race, so I dont have my exact finishing time. It was somewhere around 38 miutes of so. Not fabulous, but it was also a very different course for me to run. This was a trail course. I had to run on dirt, sand and grass. I have only run on pavement courses. Running on grass was ok but the sand really worked my legs and slowed me down. It was also a very hot run. It was a run around Town Lake and after you made a loop to come back you were running directly into the sun. I thought at one point I was going to pass out because of being overheated but I was fine. This race made me very happy to finish. I crossed the line and I felt so good. That is because halfway through my mind was just saying, "stop." It was saying, "your tired, your legs hurt, your stomach is cramping, who cares if you dont finish." Well I care and I kept going. I am a very happy finisher of the race.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Today, I ran the Freedom 5000 5K in Austin Texas. This was my 4th 5K so far. I ran my personal best with a time of 37:48. Its around a 12:06 minute mile. It is good for me but not quite my goal. I want to get to a 30 minute 5K by the end of this year.
I am running my next 5K on July 13th. This one is a night time 5K in Austin called the Bat Run. Austin has a large colony of bats and the race is set at night so everyone can watch the bats fly out from the Congress Ave bridge by the end of the race. That is why I have considered getting a bat tattoo. It is a symbol of my time in Texas as I make my way back home. Who knows.
Hopefully I will train all week for this one and beat my 37:48 personal best time.
Wish me luck!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

You dont know Jack about Eve

Post and let me see your answers!

How long have you known me:
Where did we meet:
Do I smoke:
Do I drink:
If so, what my favorite drink:
At the Olive garden what would I order:
What's my favorite food:
What did I want to be when I grew up:
Color of my eyes:
Do I have any siblings:
What's my hobby:
What's my favorite type of music:
What's my favorite movie:
Who is my favorite author:
Name my favorite book:
Where would I like to go on vacation:
What colors are in my closet?
What is the best feature about me:
Any special talents:
What was my mother's nickname for me:
If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is one thing that I
would bring: