Tuesday, June 19, 2007

So Hard to Leave

Why is it so hard to leave
My scripted life waits for me there
A separate piece of me functions faintly
Not whole or happy but a person on auto

Here, I am myself
Alive and brightly colored
Fiery and bold journeys color the tapestry
Full hearted and passionate longings exist

These dual existences drain a soul
Boarding a carriage to another part of my existence
Looking back at what being alive is
I realize why it is so hard to leave...


Michelle, the moon rabbit said...

I like it.....I feel your pain. :) But really, if you're questioning the leave, why are you leaving? *ponders*

Eve said...

Just me,
I had to leave. I was visiting and it was time to go back to my "home." I am coming back soon though and staying for good. I just have to get through some really tough things to accomplish it all.