Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Can I be a Senator

Alcohol has been a topic of discussion between my friends lately. It seems that Mark Foley has also been having some of the same discussions. Apparently he is an alcoholic. His alcoholism has caused him to send instant messages and emails to a 16 year old Congressional Page. Alcohol has on occasion caused me to drunk dial an old lover and re-proclaim my feelings, but that about the extent of it. This morning it was also announced that Mr. Foley had been molested as a teenager by a clergyman. This abuse he claims has also contributed to his inappropriate behavior with a 16 year old boy.
I understand that alcohol and abuse can have detrimental effects on a person. I believe that physical, emotional, sexual and mental abuse can lead someone to drink to excess. My concern is that he has come out with an array of reasons why he did what he did. He has not yet come out and said that he did it and what he did was wrong. There is no responsibility. I truly don’t care if he has factors that contributed to his behavior. It does not excuse his actions. It does not make me feel bad for him and wish him well. It angers me.
I am also angry about the fact that he is not treated the same as everyone else. He could have been on Dateline's "To Catch a predator." If he was then he would have been arrested on the spot. The only thing he did not do was send naked pictures of his genitals to this boy and he had not yet set up a meeting. Although he asked for a meeting. When I grow up I would like to be a Senator so that all my transgressions can be overlooked. What it comes down to is that this 52 year old man was wrong. He was in every way wrong. This was not an adult. This was a 16 year old boy. He needs to answer for his actions and be held just as responsible as any other person in this same situation would be held.

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