Monday, September 18, 2006


My oldest daughter turns 13 tomorrow. I thought I would compile a wish list for her. These are things I hope she accomplihes in her life as well as things I hopes she avoids. 13 is only the beginning of some very tough years. She is very smart and very pretty. She is artistic and moody and likes rock music. I hope that the next few years are fun for her. I hope she makes it through her teenage years with as little pain as possible.

1)Graduate - This should be a given for her but I felt the need to put it out there.
2)Go to college - I am big on education and life long learning.
3)Live on your own - Find out who you are and what you believe.
4)Support yourself - Realizing that you can survive alone is a powerful thing
5)Find a friend - Have one person in life that knows you like no other.
6)Experience passion - Mental, physical, and emotional. Find what excites you and makes you feel alive.
7)Challenge yourself - Never settle and say "its good enough." Push your limit.
8)Be yourself - Dont let others decide who you are. Remember your beliefs.
9)Be strong - Physically, mentally and emotionally. You will be tested
10)Avoid drugs - Life is just hard and this just makes it harder
11)Love - Experience love in all forms. Be open to the oppurtunity to love
12)Validate those in your life - Remember to thank those who love and support you
13)Question authority - Power is not always righteous
14)Walk away - Know when something just wont work, is over or is bad for you.
15)Value yourself - Know that you are wonderful because you are.
16)Read - See the world through others. Relax and enjoy yourself.
17)Do something just for you - This will help keep you happy.

I am sure there are many more I can add. If you have a good one, add it.

To be less poetic I hope she does not marry until she knows herself. I am in my 30's and I think I finally know who I am and I think I just got to this point. I hope she finds the man that she loves completly and who loves her just as much. If she never finds this love, then I hope she never settles for less. I hope she never lets anyone beat or degrade her. I hope she has many experiences in life so she will know what makes her happy. I hope she travels and experiences other cultures and places. I hope no one in her high school class dies. This pain is great. I hope she finds one person who no matter what happens in life will be there for her. I hope she loves that person and realizes when she takes that person forgranted. I hope she knows how much her mother loves her and that no matter what, I am here.

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