Sunday, August 20, 2006


My dad, Bob, is a man of very few words. He does not show a lot of emotion and growing up he really let me, be me. I was a good girl. I did not get into trouble and he knew that. He trusted me. The only time he felt he had to give his opinion was when I began dating. My father had three daughters and one very successful son. Sorry Carol!

My sister, Carol, was the oldest. She was thin, blonde and very pretty. She began the dating thing for the girls of the family. My sister, Michelle, was next. She got married soon after she began dating and my father was very upfront about the fact that he did not like her selection. He was always very nice to my sister's husband but you knew he was not thrilled. I was next on the list to date. I was a little different because I was the youngest. I was also a little more endowed then the other girls my age. On top of that the majority of my high school friends were male. I got along better with men. I still do. I guess its because I like sports, I am athletic and I am not always real girly. Well my dad had no problem telling me how he felt about the men in my life. When I look back now it’s a wonder I ever left the house. Here's the break down. For those that might see this I am using initials so not to offend the actual people

TZ – Big football player who told my dad, not knowing he was my dad, that he wanted "a piece of that" before summer was over. We all worked together at a camp and Ted did not know he was talking to my dad. Needless to say that was not a good summer for Ted.
JB – Liked by my Dad. Said he was " a nice boy." He was the mastermind behind some car "decorating" in my teens but all in all a very nice boy. He is also now a really nice man. On of the few men in my life that I can say that about.
PD – Best friend to JB. I was crazy about this guy in my teens. According to my Dad he was "sneaky." So it was always me saying, "Hey dad I am going out with sneaky and nice boy tonight."
BG – Thought I was going to marry this guy. First serious relationship. My dad had no opinion of him. That was not good either. He said he could take him or leave him. He treated me really well and we were together for a while. I could still call and talk to him today.
MB – Liked by my Dad now, not all that liked as a teen. My dad called him "spinner." Not sure why but it had something to do with the fact that his eyes were always half open. Said he was always spinnin in his head. I laugh about this now because I was a pretty naïve teen and I did not know what he meant. I do now. This was the bad boy that for some reason otherwise intelligent woman are drawn too. I could not get enough of MB. He would drop his girlfriend off at home and come and pick me up. We did doughnuts in the snow and stole street signs. He carried me over his shoulder back to his car at Dave's beach, because it was raining. He had seats in his El Camino that spun all the way around. As a teenage girl I thought he just wanted to hang out and be friends. Luckily for me I had another friend, AP, who new differently and saved me from MB. I still see MB and there's a part of me that still lusts after the bad boy
LB – Not liked by my dad at all. Said he was "spoiled." Said he was a nice enough guy but could tell he did not like to get his hands dirty. We broke up on Valentines night at a dance. We broke up because his friend DH said out loud, "wow your girlfriend has big guns." My boyfriends reply was "yeah I know." I looked at him, found MB and left the dance. That’s the only encounter I had with DH and I am pretty happy about that. Part of me loves MB for rescuing me from that night.
AV – Liked by both my mom and Dad. My mom said he would be "very handsome and successful" when he grew up. My Dad said he was a "stand up" kind of guy. As a teenager that was hard to believe because he was such a goofy guy. He made everyone laugh. He was president of the teen club. He was fun and great. Well they were right, today he is handsome and successful. Way to go AV.
AP – Best friend to AV. My best friend too. My dad has always said, "there's something about him." I'm sure that’s not a good phrase. He saved me from MB and has been my best friend for almost twenty years. Trust me when I say it took a lot to save me from MB. I was pretty set on spending some time with him. This is also the only person who I have screamed obscenities at in the rain barefoot in front of his house with his mother watching. I am sure like my dad she has her own opinion of me.


The Angry Piper said...

Aside from AV and AP, they all sound like douchebags.

Actually, AV kinda sounds like one too.

The Angry Piper said...

PS: Bob hates me.

Eve said...

Piper, dont be silly. Its more of a strong dislike. :)
I wonder why? Let me think about this one.