Thursday, August 17, 2006

Be Yourself

I am writing tonight to tell those young and old to be yourself. Live your life on your terms. If you want to dye your hair pink and wear combat boots then do it. If you want to spend your vacation reading, then spend your vacation reading. Do not live your life for someone else. Do not live your life the way you think others want you to live it. Live your life the way you want to live it. If you want a tattoo, get a tattoo. If you want to wear a mini skirt at 33 then do it. Life is way too short for regrets.
I have been faced with this reality in my own life lately. I have been touched by illness and death so much that I have reached this conclusion. Why are we spending the only time we have here doing the things that other people want us to do and being who we are not. For those of you that live life as yourself everyday, I applaud you! I have come across very few people like this and when I do they are usually happy people.
I know people who are gay and are living a straight lifestyle because thats what is expected. They are misreable. They make those around them misreable. I know people who hate their job but do it because it was expected of them. If you hate your job then take some steps to change it. Be happy because you only have one chance to be happy. If you are in an unhappy marriage then take steps to either fix it or move on. It is tough,yet easy to say but it is true. Only we control our own happiness.


The Angry Piper said...

I want to taunt a pit bull by exposing myself! I think I will! Thank you, Eve, for giving me the courage to live my dream!

Eve said...

Glad I could help Piper