Monday, April 03, 2006

Rights Dont Exist in Texas

I think I should rename my blog, "stupid laws passed in Texas." Recently the Texas Alcohol Commission made it legal to arrest people in bars that were intoxicated. They used the Public Intoxication law in order to make the arrests. A bar is a public place so technically your drunk in public. Besides feeling like I am in a Ron White comedy sketch, I think this law is ridiculous. Although I understand the need to stop drunk driving and save lives, they even went so far to arrest patrons of a hotel bar. These individulas were registered guests of the hotel. They were not going to drive.
The bigger question is how can we arrest people for what they "might" do. That is a road I dont want to cross. You could arrest me because I drive fast and I "might" kill someone. You should arrest the mother who allows her child to walk on a pier because they "might" fall off and drown. Do we really want to explore these "mights?"
Lastly this is a quote from the Texas Alcohol Commission, "TABC officials said the sweep concerned saving lives, not individual rights."
Well in that case...


The Angry Piper said...

I misread it. Ithought you wrote "people in BRAS who were drunk".

Shows you where I'm at, mentally.

Eve said...

I am sure there are drunk people in bras too!! I am one of them from time to time.