Thursday, October 06, 2005

John Penry

If you dont know this name, you're not alone. John Penry is a mentally retarded man who was suppossed to die by lethal injection in the state of Texas. I am writting this not to say that, "yes he should die" or "no he should not die." I am writting to present some information and let you decide for yourself. For background information I am oppossed to the death penalty because it is racially and socioeconomically biased. If on the other hand this was my daughter who was killed I would have some strong feelings that this man should die. Either way, you decide.

John Penry was 18 years old when he killed Pamela Moseley Carpenter. According to court records he waited outside her home to be sure that her husband was not home. He then broke in, raped and stabbbed her with a pair of scissors that she used to try and defend herself. She later died from her injuries. If you read this and think, "wow there is premeditation and execution of the plan," you would be right. You may say this was a brutal and heinous crime and this man needs to be punished. That may be the end of the story for some of you. You may favor executing him tonight.

Another factor that may or may not help your decision is the life of John Penry. He hand an IQ of less than 70, which indicates mental retardation. According to court records he has the netal age of a 7 year old child. He was beaten and tortured daily by his mother who sufferred a nervous breakdown after his birth. He was subject to long periods of isolation and extreme deprivation that has been reported to contribute to his unsocial behavior. At this point, would you execute this man?

Lets look a little further. He was sentenced to a mental institution in Texas at 17 due to arson. He then committed a rape and served two out of a five year sentence. When he was released it is reported that, "his mental impairment might cause agressive acts." He then at 18 raped and killed Pamela Carpentar. Ask yourself should this man die for these crimes.
Who failed John Penry?Did he fail himself because of his retardation? Can we execute his mother for the heinous way she raised this child? Did the state of Txas fail him and the community for releasing a man who they knew was prone to "agressive acts?"

The state of Texas executes its criminals. Should this criminal be executed? 13 states have since passed legislation banning the executions of the mentally retarded.

You decide!


Anonymous said...

Now don't go calling me a Texan, but the guy should die. Anyone who rapes and kills someone should die.

That's my politically incorrect, death penalty supporting opinion.

I'm sorry the guy is mentally retarded. But there are literally MILLIONS of retarded individuals who don't rape. Or murder. Or in this case, both.

I'm not related to the victim, but I don't have to be to feel this way.

Anonymous said...

Know what? An update wouldn't kill you.
