Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Wish List

I think I can speak for a majority of people when I say that growing up I developed a "wish list" for my life. Some people may say goals or dreams, regardless of the name it was something that you wrote down or mentally made a note of in an effort to guide you in your life. Recently, I was going home and I was going through some old boxes in an effort to find some old pictures to bring home to a friend. I did not find the pictures but I did find my "wish list."
Wish 1 - Be a doctor
For those that know me well you know that everything I did growing up was to accomplish this goal. I took 4 years of math and language so it would look good on my high school transcript. I attended seminars and discussions of philosophy authors in an effort to be able to treat the whole person. I was obsessed and I was a child. Maybe a little too studious! Looking back now I realize that I would have made a good doctor but not a great one. I learned growing up that I get too nervous when I draw blood. I also learn I break out in hives and red blotches when I have an indepth challenging conversation with others. Can you see that in an exam room.
Wish 2 - Get married, have children, own a home
This was a wish that I accomplished early in my life. Looking back now I wonder what was my rush. Some of my friends to this day dont have children and my oldest will be 12. Not that I would trade them for the world because I would not. If you knew my kids you would know what wonderful people they are and will be in their own life. Brenna is so strong willed and forward that she has the ability to make things happen and exact change. Morgan is a lover not a fighter and will nurture those that end up in her life. I have learned that marriage is a challenge and if presented again in my life is not something I would do over. The only reason is that it is the toughest thing I have ever had to be part of in this world. I am not a marriage basher at all but I think people think of it as a fairy tale with your knight and savior and then you realize the only person who can truly save you and make you happy is you. I think that is why divorce is so high because people have their expectations set way to high for something that two humans have to work very hard at doing every day.
My wishes are now changed and I wrote them down again so that in another 10 years I can look back over them and maybe laugh again. One wish I have now is to return to MA and I will be working hard to accomplish this wish. I get back to you in 10 years and let you know how it all worked out!

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