Friday, July 29, 2005


I ripped this off from a friend of mine who ripped this off someone else. Ahh the saga continues.

15 things you may or may not know about Eve

1) I am 4'11''. I have heard every short joke in the world. I have lived with the nicknames of "shorty," "little one," and my personal favorite "half-pint," given to me by my Mom.

2) I love Ultimate Fighting. I trained with a former Ultimate Fighter for about a year and can now successfully defend myself. I create a distraction and run like hell.

3) I bought my best friend the same Christmas present for 15 years because in high school thats all he wore and I felt you could never have enough. The first 5 years were because he needed them the past 10 have just because I like to fuck with him.

4) I recently moved to Texas and have spent a year trying to figure out what everyone is so damn proud of in this state. I think we were kind of proud in MA, we just did not show it, sing it ot tattoo it.

5) I took figure skating lessons as a child so I could be more graceful. That did not work but I can sure play a mean game of hockey.

6) I dont have a favorite book but I do like to read Philospohy and some Sci- Fi. I like Robert Fulghum and attended a lecture where he spoke at Bridgewater State College. I love Brave New World and even read it as an adult, when it was not required summer reading. I loved Wifey by Judy Blume but thats the girly side of me.

7) I watched American Werewolf in London on Nantucket and made my best friend sleep with me that night because I was too freaked out to sleep alone. I am not a horror movie fan.

8) I have more male friends than I do female friends. Not sure why, I just do.

9) I hit and killed two Doberman Pinchers on my way to PC one day. The next day my friend put two little stickers of dogs on the side of my car with a circle and line through them.

10) I was a good girl growing up. Straight A student, National Honor Society, yearbook staff, varsity softball player (short stop hahaha)

11) I liked to date "bad" guys. The kind of guys your friends warn you about.

12) I am well endowed. I have been since I was 12. Not the easiest thing to grow up with but I have adapted and learn to love them. Plus with the three speeding tickets they have helped me get out of, they cant be all that bad. My friends commonly refer to them as "the twins."

13) I have 2 daughters who I love tremendously and would give my life for. They make me laugh and in this world thats an assett.

14) I love intelligent and funny men. All brawn and no brains, not for me. I am a gemini and I enjoy the battle more so then the victory. I like being challenged and aggrevated. Odd but true.

15) I love to joke and screw with people. Like leaving 17 voicemails for a friend that said the exact same thing in each one. Little things to make the day go by and have some fun

16) I am clumsy. If I hold something valuable I will break it. Not intentionally but I will. Little pewter swords, books, weapons anything that is valuable. If I am at a function and there are "important" people there I will trip them, bump into them or say something stupid in front of them. I once said the new message boards bought by my former company was a waste of money while my director stood behind me. My friend Jen hid in her cube while I tried to explain myself.

16) I know I said 15 but I have one more. I am a touchy feely person. I like to go up to people and put my hand on their arm or wrap my arm around their shoulder. I enjoy being touched too. This will seem odd to some of my friends in Texas because for some reason people think I am a little icy.
Oh well thats me.


Anonymous said...

First, as your good buddy, I feel I should tell you that you can't count for shit. Currently you have 17 bullets in your blog, and you claim only 15. Also, you have 16 twice.
To the post:
3) And I still act surprised.
7) And sleep was all we did. We were nerds.
8) Because women hate you.
9) Something I didn't know about you. How did you manage to hit BOTH dogs? Were they tied together? Did one throw itself under your wheels in a fit of despair after watching its true dog love die? Were they being walked? If so, did you also kill the owner and get away with it?
11) Over and over again, not that you listened.
12) They're Grrrrreeeaaaaat! No, really. Why do you think we've been friends so long?
16) (the first 16)Once you get ahold of something valuable, you have all the dexterity of a walrus wearing welding gloves.

You also forgot one funny little always refuse refreshment and then commandeer someone else's. "Want a drink?" "No, thanks." Then I pour one and you suck down half of it. It's just your funny little way.

Eve said...

You know I did not even realize I messed up the numbers until you pointed it out so nicely to me.
3)I am working on something else to buy you yearly for the next 20 years.
7)We were not nerds. We did not want to "ruin our wonderful friendship."
8)Only woman connected with you and some other men that I have met in my life hate me. Most woman are just jealous because of my great rack. I almost could not type that because I was laughing so hard)
9)Both dogs ran out across route 195 and I could not help but hit both. There's a few skeletons in my closet but no wanted posters.
11)I listened to all your advice about the "bad" guys I dated. All of the, " they only want you for one thing" stories I could tell. I listened I just never believed they wanted that from me. I was very naive.
12)We have been friends for so long because of my wonderful personality and cunning ways...Actually its because you enjoy pissing me off and then saying, "ok I've talked to you long enough."
16) I cant argue this point. I trip over important people, say stupid things when I am not on mute and I have broken and ruined your books, comics, peweter guys and swords. Its amazing you even still let me in your apartment.
The little quirk is something I only do to you. Call it my little present just for you.