Saturday, January 19, 2008

Innocent Angel Lady

New nickname given to me by my friend Jeff. After the week I have had, I gladly took the new nickname. This week I have had more negative interactions with men than ever in my life. Apparently I am trouble with a big capital "T" Which is funny because that is how I sign my emails at the bottom (~T~). Maybe that is where "friend A" got the idea to actually call me that.While venting to poor Jeff, I said I didint understand where it came from because I am a really laid back kind of person. I consider myself pretty easy to get along with. I said, I change the batteries in my halo all the time. Hence the new nickname.

Got stood up today too. Never had that happen to me before so I guess I am lucky. I got asked to breakfast and I was the only one who showed. No call, no response to my call. Oh well it was just breakfast and it was just two old friends catching up. Courtesy might have been nice but it did not happen. Looked damn cute too.

My new theme song. Maybe if I was not so laid back I would have better interactions.



Malach the Merciless said...

Sorry T, I won't stand you up ever again

Eve said...

Malach I was not counting your stand up. Your too sweet for me to ever be upset with you.

Sara Sue said...

I like that! Sorry about you being stood up, it sucks. It does give one great insight on the other's character though.

Eve said...

The strange thing is the guy who stood me up is super nice. I think my moon is in his venus this week. Or maybe thats just wishful thinking on my part