Thursday, January 05, 2006

Before I Die

Who says inspiration cant come from stupidity? Watching a rerun of Everybody Loves Raymond I was inspired to write this blogpost today. You may be familiar with the episode but if not, its the one where Raymond is having a midlife crisis and he creates a list of all the things he wants to do before he dies. This is supposed to make goal orientated people feel like they have accomplished something. Cross something off their "to do" list. Well I am not all that goal orientated but I definately have some things I would like to do before I die.
* Attend pastry school - I am an avid baker but I am not all that creative or artistic. I would like to learn how to work with sugar and improve my skills.
* Open my own bakery - This is obviously linked to the first one but I would love to own my own little shop. As a child I made chocolates and sold them at school to my friends. This has always been a love of mine. Nothing big just a few tables, cofee, pastry etc..
* Run a marathon - I love to run but I finding the time is difficult. I would love to train and run a marathon.
* Finish my Bachelor's degree in English - one of my biggest regrets inlife is leaving school and moving home. I would like to finish my degree.
* Corporate law - Finishing my bachelors would allow me to continue on and get my corporate law degree. It fascinates me.
* Take a real vacation - This is something I have never done. I have visited family, I have done mini vacations but I have never had a tropical vacation where i could just sit in the sand and read all day long.
* Visit Ireland, Rome, Paris and London - My honeymoon was going to be in ireland but things came up that prevented me from getting there. I would love to go to Europe and see their culture, cusine, pastry, architecture and beauty.
* Donate substantial money to a charity - So many charities helped my family over the years with my care and I feel its time to give back to help another family in the same situation.
* Have sex outdoors in the rain - kid you not this has been on a list of mine since I was a teenager.
* Save enough money to be a help to my children - I am not saying that I want to give them everything. I dont want to be a burden when I am older. I would also like to have something to give to them to help them on their own way.
* Own a brand new car - This might be a little self indulgent but I would like to own a brand new never been driven car.
* Take my Mom and my sister away - Just the 3 of us getting back to each other and catching up.
* Travel with a friend - Just meet somewhere and do what we want. Hang out, read, see a show, visit a museaum etc.. Nothing important.
* Publish some of my erotic writting - See how I did not call it literature. HAHAHA. I write erotic stories for fun and would love to see one published.
* Pose for a magazine - Ok I know there are a lot of you laughing right now over this one. I am 4'11" and not a magazine poster child. Maybe I just need to make a secret copy of my very own mag to accomplish this one. I just feel I can be sexy sometimes and I would like to document that before I get all old and grey.

Well thats it for now. I am sure this will grow and change. From what I wrote I really seem to want to travel. I did not list, go back to New England as that is not a before I die thing but rather a next year kind of thing.

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