Thursday, June 09, 2005


My post today centers around one of my favorite subjects, men. Let me put this out there now I am not some nympho freak who stalks hotties trying to get laid. In fact I have been a pretty good girl most of my life. One thing for sure is that I am not lesbian. I enjoy the company of men. Let me clarify, I enjoy the company of men who peak my interests. Being that I am a Gemini I need stimulation. Boredom is not good for us twins. I do not like GQ poster boys who care more about their own looks then current affairs. I enjoy the company of men who will try my nerves, patience, intellect, and strength.
My Dad. The first man in my life. I am by far a daddy's girl. I am the baby of the family and for the majority of my life my father was my protector. He is what a father should be. Even to this day he calls and asks me if I need money, food, help with my car etc... and I am thouands of miles away. He is not college educated, but give him a piece of sheet metal and he can make it into a working machine. He is a mechanical wiz. He is opioniated and often times prejudiced in his beliefs. He taught me that the value of someone is not in what they have but what they have to give. He had nothing most of my life, I was not rich at all. He gave what he could, I have learned a lot from him and I love him dearly.
My best friend. I met this man at age 14 and I have known him for 18 years now. When I met him he was a teenager with angst and issues. He was not known for his polite conversations or his perky dispositions. He was an immediate attraction for me. I wanted to get to know him and understand why he was the way he was. Trying to know him and understand him, I became his friend. We fit. We were good together. I was the opposite of him. I looked at the sunny side lets say. He tried my nerves, my patience and my good nature and that thrilled me. We are still friends now and he still tries my nerves, patience and good side. He enjoys pushing my buttons till I tell him to fuck off. He taught me that difference is a good thing and I love him for that.
My husband. When I met my husband he was an edgy artist with dreams of his artwork being displayed. He was dramatic and passionate. He had a who cares attitude but took things he cared about seriously. He was older and had traveled. I enjoyed his conversations about different places and things he saw and drew. I enjoyed his passion and his excitement. I was captivated. He has taught me to see the color in life. He has taught me to express myself and see the color in something I percieve as black and white. He has opened my eyes and I love him for that.
Friends. I am drawn to men more naturally then woman. I am a tomboy. I enjoy sports, playing and watching. I like activity. I am not a girly girl although some parts os me are very girly! I have made a few male friends in Texas. Some of them are big brother types who are there to listen to me vent. Some of them are fun and allow me to show a little of my free side. A few of them try my nerves, patience, intellect and strength. Need I say more...


The Angry Piper said...

Your best friend sounds like a queer. By the way, 18 year is a long time. Have you got to know him and understand him yet?

Eve said...

My best friend can be queer but thats the way he is. If you love someone you take the good and the bad. After 18 years I know him well but I will never fully understand him.