Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Texas and the rest of the world

Last year I was given the oppurtunity to further my career by moving to Texas. Growing up in the North all my life I figured I was up to the challenge. I was wrong. I have spent the last year learning that Texans are a special breed of people. First off, they are nice. For my friends back home, I dont mean the kind of nice where you give the thank you wave to the driver that actually let you cut in on route 195, I mean talking about your day in the local grocery store kind of nice. Coming from a place where we never look people in the eye for fear of having them say, "what ya lookin at." This has been a shocker. I have learned that nice people really do exist and not just "being nice" to get something from you. Although, I have met those here to. Texans also exhibit an unbelievable pride in their state. People have the star of Texas on their house, driveway, car, tatooed on their body type of pride. They all attend the local high school football games regardless if they went or have kids in that school. They fly the Texas flag everywhere. I dont even know if Mass has a flag let alone fly it from my home or tatoo it on my body. The third thing that you cant miss is that it is perfectly ok for a Texas cop to call a woman darlin. There is even a commercial where a car dealer asks a woman if she has checked with her husband before buying the car....Where am I? Lastly Texans love George W. He is from here and supported here. For those of you that know me I am kind of liberal. I believe in a woman's right to choose and work for that matter. I support the men and woman fighting right now because they are giving up things I could not, like seeing my children. Dont get me wrong I like Texans. I just wanted to illustrate that even though we all live in the USA, I am a foreigner in a foreign land.


Malach the Merciless said...

The stars at night are big and bright, deep in the heart of texas. Perhaps we know each other from MA, you seem to know the Angry Piper .. . I will leave my website link in my name and see if you can figure it out.

Malach the Merciless said...

Sorry, you have the inability for non bloggers to post, after you are done clicking my name go here

Eve said...

I think I know you very well. I love your site. The art work is great. I like the one of Tolken and a lot more. I looked at your forum as well and if you get Zach to get online let me know. I would love to say hey.

The Angry Piper said...

Robert E. Howard, creator of Conan the Barbarian, was from Texas. So is Hank Hill. I also think Patrick Swayze's Road House took place in Texas (great film that it was) and Swayze himself is from Texas. Perhaps now that you're an expert you can define the term "Texarkana" for me. I assume it means of or pertaining to that region of Texas that borders Arkansas, but how do I know for sure?
I also heard the Frito Bandito retired down there in disgrace after he realized he was a horrid politically incorrect caricature that panders to racial and ethnic stereotypes of Mexicans. He was last seen passed out in a cantina, reeking of tequila and laying in a pool of his own vomit. In a related story, the whereabouts of the Chinese couple that ran the Calgon laundry ("Ancient Chinese Secret, huh?)are still unknown.

Eve said...

I fixed the blog so anyone can post.

Eve said...

Now that I am an expert, yeah right, here is the definition of Texarkana: Texarkana is at the junction of Interstate 30 and U.S. highways 59, 67, 71, and 82 in extreme northeastern Texas on the Texas-Arkansas border. It was named for its location on the state line between Bowie County, Texas, and Miller County, Arkansas, only a short distance above the Louisiana boundary. The three parts of its name honor the three states. Hank Hill is my daughter's principal and the Frito Bandito is my nightbor. He has been caught numerous times peeing on my other neighbor's bushes. Living right near the largest military post in the country, I live in the melting pot of the USA. I am sure the Chinese couple are here and thriving.