Sunday, September 28, 2008

Is it because I am a Woman?

I fucking hate being taken advantage of. I fucking hate it! I cant stand it when the situation is already bad enough but some jackass has to try and make some quick cash off of someone else's misfortune. Profiting off of someone else's misery is a crap ass way to make money. So to everyone who sees someone struggling and makes the situation worse because they can and the other person really has no choice, fuck you!

On Friday I was involved in a car accident. Thankfully, I was wearing my seat belt and walked away with some sore body parts and a messed up right knee. My car on the other hand was not so lucky.

Not being prepared to be in an accident was where I apparently went wrong. I did not know the name of the towing company that I wanted to tow my car from the scene. Not able to answer the State Trooper's question regading a towing company, he called a local city company. Two guys came, put my car on a flat bed and give me a ride to a local restaurant to be picked up because I could not wait for my ride on the highway. I asked the guy to bring my car to my house. I am pretty sure it was totaled and saw no reason to have it sit in storage for the next week or so. I also had $100.00 in groceries in the trunk and was hoping to not loose all of them as well. The driver told me "no, we can't do that." He dropped me off when my ride got there and took my car to his shop.

When I got home I called who I should have called for the tow in the first place and asked them to go and get my car and tow it to my house. I headed down to the first tow company to pay for the tow. I called first so they would be aware that another tow company was coming. This is where I got royally bent over and screwed. The bill to tow my car from 195E under Gov Center to Brayton ave...$168.00 Not kidding.

I was charged $90.00 for the police call for the tow. I was also charged because two guys came out versus one, milage, gas and $20.00 for storing my car for all of possibly 30 minutes before the other company arrived. In comparison the other company charged me $45.00 to tow my car from the city to my house in Westport.

I am aware that the insurance company of the party at fault will pay. That is not the point. The point is that you saw someone who was in a crappy situation and made it worse for profit.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

You Will be Missed

Sorry for the melancholy blog but its really for me at this point.

My grandmother passed away a little before 4:00PM today. She was elderly and ill. This was something we were expecting and understand. Still does not make it any easier and for me this has hit me pretty hard.

My grandmother was married to my grandfather who passed away from cancer when she was young. She had a daughter and a son. She had 7 grandchildren and 9 great grand children. The youngest, just turned two.

Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers. Grandma told the nurse the other night that she met, "the most handsome man in the world the other day." She said he told her he was taking her on a long vacation and not to worry.

Hopefully she has found that handsome man, seen my sister and once again be reunited with the love of her life. She did a good job in life. She raised two children who have done great and raised families of their own. We all love and respect our grandmother.

"Tomorrow the sun will rise."

I love you grandma!