Saturday, February 17, 2007

Am I That Different?

I am beginning to think that there is something wrong with me. I have always felt different but there are many reasons why. One reason may be, being 4'11" with large breasts, but I manage. Now I am beginning to think I am not at all like other woman. I came to this realization after reading an excerpt from, "A Practical Handbook for the Boyfriend." This book was written by desperate housewives star Felicity Huffman. She has been married for 9 years to William H. Macy. She is obviously happy and maybe deliriously so. The things she advises men to do would drive me crazy but again as I said earlier I am beginning to think there is something wrong with me.

Public Display of Affection – According to Felicity woman are "hungry' for it and men wont do it because it shows their vulnerable side. I don’t think she has ever tried to walk down the mall or drive with someone's arm around her neck. She may not have witnessed two people eating each others face for lunch in line at the grocery store. I am all for passion but I do believe that sometimes a hotel room works better than a 7-11. One thing I do like is to hold someone's hand. It just feels nice.

The Little Things Count – the book advises that if a man buys junior mints and eats them all without asking if you want any, woman feel unloved. I have never felt unloved because my boyfriend would not share his candy. If I wanted candy I would ask him for some. If he said no, I would call him an asshole and buy my own damn candy. Why as woman do we feel that men should read our minds? This makes no sense. We are different in so many ways. I do agree that the little things do count. Putting clothes in the laundry, putting air in my car tire, holding a door now and then, these do count. Not doing them should not make a woman feel unloved.

Your Call is Important to us – According to Felicity you score "major' points by calling her two and three times a day. What??? In my world this makes you a stalker. Don’t call me two or three times a day. Don’t call me every day. Live your life a few days so when we do talk next we will have things to talk about. Are we that insecure that we need to hear our boyfriend's voice two or three times a day? Would we think he was cheating or leaving us if we talked to him two or three times a week? Does felicity work? Oh yes she is an actress. I know in my job if someone called me just to say hey that many times I would never get any work done. Come on am I alone on this one?

Great Boyfriends are Made – Practice makes perfect. I feel that you will be the boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife you should be, when you meet the woman/man you should be with. Loving someone helps make you want to do nice things. Having children has taught me that. Pouring a glass of soda and having to share it each time can be annoying unless you pour enough because you know someone will ask for that sip. I agree that practice makes perfect for both men and woman. I would really not want a guy to pretend to be nice only to end up unhappy. Be who you are. Do what you like to do. If the person your with is happy with those things then you are good together. If they get upset or repulsed each time then maybe it's not right.

She ends with," the secret to a good marriage is to stay a boyfriend." – This I agree with for both men and woman. Too many marriages are unhappy because people are taken forgranted. Everyone likes to know that they make someone else happy. This does not need to be an everyday mantra. Every now and then works great. Who does not like to hear they look or smell nice? We all like to know that we make someone else excited by our presence. As long as it’s the man your with and not the yucky guy at the package store!

So I may be different but when it comes to these things, I am kind of glad.