Saturday, March 22, 2008

Relay For Life

Each year I participate in two fund raising events. The first one is the Relay For Life. The second one is the Armstrong Challenge. Both of these events help raise money to fight cancer.

Cancer has touched all of our lives in one way or another. We know someone who is battling the disease right now. We know someone who has passed away from cancer. We know muillions of other people the world over battle this disease daily.

I work for these two fund raisers because I beleive in what they do to thelp those with cancer. This year I will be spending the night at a high school track doing the Relay for Life. It is a 24 hour walk to raise awareness and funds for the American Cancer Society.

Please help me reach my goal! Please donate on my personal page and help me battle cancer with the funds needed for research and treatment!

Thank you for your support!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Murk Moved Me

It has been a long time since I have been online and even longer since I have written anything. Dont think its quite as long as the Piper has taken off from blogging but pretty close. I have been dealing with some pretty crappy anxiety issues recently. I am trying to overcome them but they have been a test for me.
One night last week I went online and read Dr. Murks blog. If you have not read him, you really should. The post was The Generation of Promises. I like to read Murk because he provokes all kinds of responses. Some people get upset and lash out. Some people agree and add there own thoughts. Most of the time I am just a reader who enjoys what he writes.
This post was different for me though. I wont get all mushy and say that he had this major impact but he really made me think of the way I go about living.
I want to do something good for others. I want to be a better person. Why is there such a want but very little in the way of action? Is it laziness? Is it fear? Is it selfishness?
I have given this some thought and put it in context in my daily life. I watched for a few days the way strangers interact. I was really kind of saddenned by what I saw. There was an accident on 195 the other day and one lane had to merge into the middle lane. No one would let these other cars in line. Why? We were going nowhere at all. What was the harm of letting a car in the line? People were flipping each other off and yelling. No one was going anywhere fast. At the mall I watched three people pass by an elderly woman struggling to open the mall doors with her packages in her hand. I opened the door as she walked out and she smiled and said thank you. It felt good. Small but good.
I am not a cynical person and I really believe that most people try to live in a good way. I think for most people, including myself, it is more lack of attention than anything else. When I get in the mall I hardly notice those around me. I dont smile or make random conversation. I go to work, pick up the kids, make dinner, workout and do it all again the next day. It is routine.
Well thank you Murk for making me see that I am routine. I have decided that I am going to try to be better. I am going to make an impact in even small ways. If I believe in the good of mankind I should contribute to that good as well. Think about it!